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The next week went by quickly as Jungkook and I would come to my house to work on the project. It turns out he is pretty nice an people just judge him without knowing him. Currently we are at my house woking on the presentation.

"Kookie, we should take a break." Jungkook stops typing and looks at me. "Kookie?" He said confused. "Oh! You don't like it? I thought it was cute. If you don't want me to call you that-"

"No, it's fine, only you can call me that." I smiled and hugged him, hoping he won't push me away. "Come on, lets go watch a movie!" I said with a big smile and  got up and ran down the stairs to my living room.

Jeon Jungkook

I lightly chuckled and got up following my baby down the stairs. "Kookie, do you mind The Little Mermaid? It's my favorite." He said. I shook my head and at down next to him as the movie started. I wasn't paying attention to the movie, I could only look at Taehyung. How is he so pretty? I guess I'm gonna need to move quicker than I originally thought, I don't want anyone to take him away from me.

Soon enough the movie was over and I looked over at Tae. "What do you- Oh." He was sleeping with an adorable pout, I wish I could kiss him. But now is not the time. I turn off the tv and pick him up bridal style and walk to his bedroom. I gently put him on his bed and put the blankets over him.

"Goodnight." I kiss his forehead and was about to walk away until I felt a hand grabbing my arm. "Don't go." He whispered, still asleep. I shouldn't do this, but I don't give a shit. I layed down with him and he automatically started hugging me. I sighed and wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him closer to me. 


Kim Taehyung

I woke up feeling warmer than I usually do. And my pillow felt harder than usual too. What the fudge?! I slowly opened my eyes to see a bare chest. I shot up quickly too look who I was sleeping with.

"J-Jungkook?" "Ugh" I heard him groan and open his eyes, looking right at me. "Good morning Tae." I quickly looked away from him. "Good morning, why are you shirtless?" He just chucked and sat up, ruffling his hair. "I usually sleep shirtless, I didn't think you'd mind."

"I'm hungry, so lets go make some breakfeast." He got up and walked out of the room, letting me have a clear view of his glorious abs. I blushed and followed him downstairs. "We should make pancakes Kookie!"

"Okay." He said and waited for me to grab the ingredients. After a couple minutes of cooking we finally had some pancakes.

We ate the pancakes and then cleaned up the mess that we had made. Jungkook stayed for a couple more hours until he had to leave, he said a work thing came up. "Bye Kookie" I said and hugged him. "Bye Tae." He said and left. "Now what am I gonna do" I muttered to myself and pouted.

Jeon Jungkook

I didn't want to leave Tae but I got a text from Yoongi who said it was important. I had another traitor, so I had to go ask him questions and then eventually kill him.

I arrived at my secret house where only my mafia group knows of. I walked into the basement and went to the cell where he was held. "So, who are you working for Lee?" He looked terrified, thats good because I know he will give me answers.

"Fucking answer me! I had to leave my baby because you are a dumbass!" I yelled at him. "I-It's Park I'm w-working for, he has my family and said he'd let them go if I did this for him." I rolled my eyes. 

"So you'd rather die in the hands of Jeon Jungkook than Park Bogum? Fucking idiot. Listen, I don't give a fuck about your family, you fucked me over so now I'm going to kill you." I took my gun out and shot him in the head.

Great, now I need to deal with Park Bogum.


I'm sorry for the long wait, I just wasn't motivated but I made myself finish this chapter.

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