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The rest of the day went by and it was finally time to go home. "Bye Chim!" I waved at Jimin with a smile. "Bye bye Tae!"

I put in my headphones and started to shuffle my music playlist as I walked home. As I walked home, I could feel eyes on me just like when Jungkook starred at me. I stopped walking and looked around to see if I could see anyone but I couldn't. I shrugged and started walking again.

As I got home I saw that my brother is home from work. "Hey Taetae, how was your first day of school?"

"It was good, but I have some homework to do so I'm gonna do that, bye Jin Hyung." I didn't really have any homework to do, I just wanted to think more about Jungkook. Soon enough I fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm and got ready for the day. "TAE!" I didn't have time to answer to Jimin as he tackled me to the floor in a giant hug. "Good morning Chim." I yawned and started walking to first period with Jimin following behind me. I walked into the classroom and sat down in the same spot as yesterday. 

Jimin and I sat and talked as the rest of the students filled the classroom, along with the teacher. "Good morning class, today we will be starting a project that will last for two weeks. I know you all want to choose your partners but too bad, I'm choosing. Jennie and Jongin, Jun and Sehun..." I wasn't really paying attention to the other groups, I was just hoping that Jimin is my partner.

"Jimin and Yoong and lastly Taehyung and Jungkook." My eyes widened in shock. "Oh god, why me?" I thought in my head. I turned to look at Jimin and saw that he was looking at me concerned. "It will be fine Chim." I assured him with a small smile. He hesitantly nodded amd turned back to the teacher. 

"So for this project you will need to create a presentation on the coronavirus. Now you will start immediately, got to your partners and you will need to spend time outside of school to complete it." I got up and took my bag and walked to the last row where Jungkook was sitting and sat down beside him. 

"Hey, I'm Taehyung!" He turned and starred at me for a little while with these eyes that are filled with emptiness. "I know who you are." He said and looked away from me. Okay, that was creepy. "Umm, okay well lets get started."

The rest of the class Jungkook and I worked on the project and had our outline done. Soon enough the class ended and we were putting away our things. "Give me your number." I turned around to look at Jungkook. "Okay." And then I gave him my number. "Bye Jungkook." And with that I walked off to find Jimin.


"Hey Chim" I sat down with my lunch next to Jimin. "Hey Tae, how was Jungkook?" I smiled at him and replied. "He wasn't bad, he didn't really talk but he did some work so I guess that is what matters." He nodded and went back to eating his sandwich. 



I'll come to your house after school to work on the project.


Jungkook? Um okay we can walk to my house after school, wait for me by the gate.



"Who was that?" I turned off my phone and looked at Jimin."It was Jungkook, we are walking to my house to work on the project." 

"Listen Tae, you need to be careful around him, he's dangerous. He is a young mafia leader, everyone knows that but doesn't acknowledge it because he doesn't like people talking to him." My eyes widened in shock. "I should be okay Chim, don't worry about me." I said with a small smile.

The rest of the day was a blur as all I could think about was Jungkook.  Why do I feel and attraction? Why do I like to be around him?

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