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Kim Taehyung

"Good morning Kookie." I said as I sat down beside him.

"Hey cutie, how have you been?" He said.

"I'm good, what about you Kookie?" I smiled at him blushing.

"I'm good now that I've seen you." He smirked. Great, now I'm blushing more.

"Okay class, today we will be having a new student join us. Come In!" The teacher yelled and the door opened and the new student walked in.

"Hi I'm Park Bogum." My eyes widened and I shot out of my seat and ran up to hug him.

"Gummie! I've missed you!" I smiled and hugged him tighter while he hugged me back.

"I've missed you too Tae baby." He smiled and I grabbed his hand and dragged him with me to the back of the classroom where Jungkook and I sit and sat him down next to me.

"We'll talk later Gummie, we have to pay attention to class right now." He nodded and we continued watching class until the bell rung meaning class has ended.

"Gummie show me your schedule so I can show you around!" I said with a big smile on my face. Bogum was my best friend from Daegu, and at the time I did have a crush on him but it has passed.

He smiled and handed me his schedule and I was happy to see we have almost all of the same classes. "We have five classes together Gummie!" I said.

"Really, I'm so happy about that Tae, now I won't be alone." He said as he looked down. "I wouldn't let you be alone." I said and playfully nudged my shoulder with his.

He smiled and grabbed my hand. "Lets go the-"

"No, Tae you come with me, we have this class together." Jungkook interrupted Bogum. "But I also have this class with Bogum, why don't you walk with us?"

He looked down and poked the side of his mouth with his tongue and looked into my eyes. "No, Tae I only want to walk with you." He said and grabbed my other hand taking me from Bogums hand.

"But Kookie, I haven't seen Gummie for awhile." I said as I pouted, giving him puppy eyes, hoping he will let me go with Bogum.

"I don't care Tae, I need to be with you right now so we will go now." He said and started to walk away with me. "I'll just see you in class then Gummie!" I yelled to Bogum as we left his sight.

"What was that about Jungkook!" I yelled to him as we walked into a old classroom. "Who is he to you?" He said to me.

"He is my best friend from Daegu." I told him. "Well, I don't like him." 

"I don't care Jungkook, he is my friend and I will hang out with him, If you want to hang out with us you are more than welcome to, now goodbye, I'm gonna be late for class-"

I started to walk away when I felt Jungkook's hands around my waist spinning me around and pinning me to the wall, hovering over me.

"What are you doin-" He suddenly leaned down and smashed his lips onto mine, stopping me from speaking further. Slowly I started to respond to the kiss. The kiss gradually turned into a make out session with jungkook squeexing my waist, making me moan so he could slip his tongue in my mouth. But then we stopped because, you know, gotta breathe.

"I'm going to tell you this again, I don't like him near you. I know he likes you. But he can't have you because you're mine. You belong to me Kim Taehyung." He said as he put a finger under my chin making me look up to him.

"You got that?" He said, his voice dripping with dominace. I slowly nodded to him. "Words beautiful." 

"Y-yes Jungkook, I b-belong to y-you." He smiled and pecked my lips again. "Good boy, now lets go to class." He said as he wrapped his hands around my waist and led me to class. 

What the fudge was that?

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