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"Yes Daddy."

Jungkook smirked and threw me onto the bed harshly, and quickly hovered over me. "Are you trying to turn daddy on baby boy?" He said with a smirk as he started to kiss my neck, leaving even more love bites.

"J-Jungkook." I said as I lightly pushed him. "I-I'm not ready, is that o-okay?" I asked looking up at him with innocent puppy eyes. He lightly smiled at me and sat next to me. 

"Of course thats okay, I can wait, but just don't make me wait forever baby." He pulled me on my lap and kissed the back of my neck."Now how about we go make cookies? Hmm baby." I excitedly nodded and started bouncing up and down.

"Woah be careful baby, don't want to wake up Jr.JK now do we?" I blushed and stopped moving and felt him pick me up bridal style, carrying me downstairs o the kitchen.

Time Skip (I'm lazy)

"Ah, now I'm tired." I said as Jungkook put the cookies in the oven. "Let's clean up now baby." He said as he started to do the dishes. I looked at him and I suddenly got an idea. I took the left over flour and threw it at him.

I smiled and ran away when I saw him turn around and look at me with a smirk. "Ahhh!" I yelled as he grabbed my waist and threw me over his shoulder. "You little brat." He said playfully and slapped my ass.

"Kookie!" I giggled and felt him put me  down on the kitchen counter. He pecked my lips, took off his dirty shirt and continued cleaning. "Would you like me to help Kookie?" I asked and he shook his head. "No, you just sit there and look pretty." He said and smiled while I sat there looking like a tomato.

I sighed and watched him and started to think. "He is such husband material."  Standing there shirtless, wearing sweatpants that hang low to show off is v line and don't get me started on those abs. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Jungkook's finger on my lip. "You're drooling baby." He said and smirked. "Now lets go cuddle on the sofa,wait for the cookies then we can go get snacks at the store and we can watch movies all night long. Does that sound good baby?" I nodded and kissed him.

"Thank you kookie."

"No problem baby."

So we cuddled on the sofa and when the cookies were done we took them out and ate them all. "Ready to go to the store baby?" I nodded and stood up walking to the car with Jungkook following after me. "What would you like to get?"

"Hmm, candy and some drinks." 

"Okay baby." He said and smiled as his hand fell down to hold my thigh. Shortly after we made it to the store. "Come here baby." He said and wrapped his arm around my waist, glaring at anyone that looks at me for a split second. "Stop being so possessive kookie." I say and lightly slap his chest.

"How can I not be possessive over you when you're so beautiful and perfect and everyone wants to take you away from me." He growled and pulled me against his chest. "S-Shut up." I said as I wriggled out of his grip and ran to the candy isle.

As I was reaching for some candy on the top shelf and I felt arms around my waist again. "Hello again Kookie." I said and out the candy in the cart, but when I turned around it wasn't Jungkook.

"You're not my kookie, so can you please let go of me?" I asked and he shook his head and smirked. "I can't let a beauty like you alone, you were made to dangle on someones arm so why don't you dangle on mine cutie?"

"I think the fuck not."

Looking For a Star  | Taekook | COMPLETED |Where stories live. Discover now