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"I'm sorry Bogum." I looked down not wanting to see Bogum crying. "But you said you liked me back!" He yelled making me jump.

"Some of my feelings came back for you, but my feelings for Jungkook are bigger. I hope you can respect that. And you lied to me, I'm not sure if I can trust you anymore. Why didn't you tell me Gummie?" I asked.

He sighed and looked away from me. "It's dangerous, if I told you and any of my enemies saw you, they'd hurt you and I couldn't have that happen, you mean too much to me. So please, don't be with Jungkook, be with me, I can treat you way better than he can!"

"I can't Bogum, I know that I would be truly happy with him, and he will treat me the right way. so please except it." I said with little tears flowing from my eyes. He shook his head and came closer to grab both of my hand and looked into my eyes.

"Please Tae Baby, I need you." I shook my head. "H-how about if Jungkook and I break up, I'll go be with you, okay?" I asked looking him in the eyes. He nodded and smiled a bit, wiping his tears. "At least you're giving me somewhat of a chance."

I hugged him and he hugged me back. "Goodbye Gummie, I'll see you at school."


Today was the day Jungkook and I need to present our project. The teacher called called us up and we started presenting. After we presented we went back to our seats and watched the rest of the class present.

The day went by quickly, before I knew it, it was already lunch. "Chim!" I yelled and jumped on Jimin's back, again. "Hey TaeTae, are you hungry? I can buy us lunch for today." He said and I nodded my head, allowing him to drag me to the food. 

"So, how have you been Chim?" I asked him as we sat down and started to eat. "I've been good TaeTae, we haven't hung out in awhile, should I come to your house after school?" He asked me and I nodded with my mouth full of food. "Just wait for me by the gate." I said and he nodded, stuffing his face with food.

"What are you doing?" A voice behind me said and I instantly turned around to see Jungkook standing there with his arms crossed and his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. "I'm eating." I said and turned around to eat more and I felt someone sit beside me and put a hand on my thigh.

"I don't like my boyfriend eating with another man." He said glaring at Jimin who had a shocked look on his face. "You're dating him and didn't tell me!" Jimin yelled. I looked down, not wanting to see Jimin mad at me. "We'll talk about this later." He said and left. "Why are you sitting with him!?" Jungkook yelled at me. 

"He's my friend Kookie." I said. "I don't want you hanging out with him, you can only talk to me!" He said. "No Kookie, you're my boyfriend and I want to be near you and my friends, I got to go to class, I can't hang out today, Jimin is coming over." I said and gave him a peck on the lips and leaving for class.

End Of The Day

"Hey Chim!" I said and hugged him. "Hi TaeTae, lets go." He said and we started walking to my house. Once we got to my house we went straight to my room, not without saying hi to Jinnie.

"So what do you want to do Chim?" I asked as I sat down on my bed, Jimin following shortly after. "I want to talk to you about Jungkook, I thought I told you to stay away from him and now you are dating him!" He yelled. 

"I'm sorry Chim but I can't deny the feelings I have for him." I said. He rolled his eyes and looked to the side, veins popping as he grips the bed sheets tightly. "HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT MY FEELINGS?! HUH TAE!" He yelled and I backed away.

"I'm sorry Chim, we can still be friends." He shook his head and got closer to me. "I don't want to be friends, I've had a crush on you the second I saw you." He started. "You looked so cute and innocent and I loved that. So I can't forget you so easily, and I won't! I won't loose to Jeon Jungkook!" He said and crashed his lips onto mine.


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