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"Ugh." I groaned as I woke up to the rays of the sun hitting my face. I turned around and saw Jungkook sleeping peacefully with his arms wrapped around my waist. He s is so cute wen he is sleeping.

I leaned in and kissed the tip of his nose, watching as its scrunched up. "'morning baby." He said with his deep raspy morning voice. "Good morning Kookie!" I said with a smile. "Lets shower, we are dirty." I said with a pout. I stood up and immediately fell down because of the pain. 


"Are you okay baby?!" Jungkook said as he picked me up from the floor. "Is my dick that big?" He said with a smirk. "Shut up!" I said and lightly punched his bare chest.

"Lets shower now." We walked into the bathroom and Jungkook put me on counter while he started the shower. Suddenly I had the urge to puke so I rushed down and release it into the toilet.

Jungkook heard me and started to rub my back trying to comfort me. "What's wrong baby?" He asked concerned as I finished and went into the shower. "I'm not sure Kookie. It must have been something I ate."

Time Skip

"Chim!" I yelled as he walked up to the house so we can hangout. After Jungkook and I took a shower he said he had to go to work. "Tae baby!" I jumped on him as he hugged me back and carried me to the living room.

"How have you been Tae?" Jimin asked as we started to watch a movie. "W-well Jungkook and I made l-love last night and I woke up puking. I don't know why I had to puke though." I said and pouted. "Tae." He said and grabbed my hands, making me face him.

"Do you think you could be pregnant?" He said and my eyes widened. "M-maybe. Can we get a t-test?" He nodded. "Lets go." We shortly arrived at the store and bought three pregnancy tests, just so we can be 100% sure.

"Go in the bathroom and do what you need to. I'll be out here when you're done." He said and lightly pushed me to the bathroom. "Okay Chim."

I opened the box and read the directions. Pee on the stick and wait five minutes for results. I opened up the other two and peed on them. The wait is horrible. 

"What if Kookie doesn't want to have a child? Will he leave me?" I thought and suddenly started to get worried. I don't want him to leave me. 

The timer on my phone went off and I filled over the test and saw I'm pregnant! I started to cry tears of joy. "Hi little baby. I'm your mommy. Daddy is at work right now so you'll meet him later.

I opened the door of the bathroom and saw Jimin was standing there waiting for me. "I'M PREGNANT!" I yelled and was brought into a hug. "I'm so happy for you Tae. When are you going to tell Jungkook?" He asked as we pulled away.

"I'm going to tell him as soon as he gets home." Jimin nodded and for another two hours we cuddled on the sofa and watched some movies. "I think it's time for me to leave now Tae." He said and stood up.

"Okay Chim." I said sadly and pouted. "I'll see you later Tae."

"Bye bye."

And then there was one. "This is a good time for me to make Kookie some dinner." I spoke to myself.

"What should we make for daddy?" I said and rubbed my stomach. "Let's just make some steak, he loves steak." So I turned on my music and started to make some steak, rice and corn. After I made the dinner I set up the table. This is when I plan to tell Jungkook I'm pregnant.

Just as I set down the last plate I heard the door opening and footsteps leading to the dining room. "Kookie!" I yelled and jumped on him, kissing him deeply. "Hey baby. Did you make us dinner?" He asked as he set me down.

"Yup!" I said and grabbed his hand and made him sit down. "Thank you baby, this looks so good." He said and pecked my cheek. After a couple minutes of eating I decided to finally tell Jungkook.

"Um Kookie, I have something to tell you." I said and started to feel nervous. "What is it baby?" He ask concerned. I took a deep breath and pulled out one of the pregnancy tests from my pocket and handed it to him.

He looked at it and smiled. "You're pregnant!" He yelled and I nodded. In less than a second I felt myself being lifted into the air. "I'm so happy!" He said and kissed me deeply. "Hi little baby!" He said as he lifted my shirt and talked to our unborn child. 

"I'm your daddy and I can't wait to meet you, so please come quickly." He said and kissed my stomach. "I love you my baby." He said and kissed me again.

"I love you too Kookie."


I am so so so so so sorry for the long wait. I had just started my freshman year and its a little overwhelming. There is a lot more work than in middle school so I have been busy. So to make up for it I wrote an extra 200 words. I hope you liked this chapter!

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