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"I think the fuck not."

Jungkook rushes over and throws a punch at the mans face, making him let go of me. I rush over to the other side of the isle, getting away from the fight. "Jungkook stop it!" I yelled as I saw he wasn't going to stop punching him.

After a few more punches he finally stopped and he ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it back, looking extremely hot. He kicked him one last time and walked over to me, grabbing my chin, pushing my head up.

"I hate that everyone wants you, but I love it at the same time because you're only mine." And before I could respond he slammed my back against the wall and kissed me harshly, his hand sliding down to my butt, squeezing it, allowing his tongue down my throat.

After a few minutes of kissing I pushed him away so we can breathe. "Why did you do that?" I said and crossed my arms, trying to look mad. "He was touching whats mine and you know I don't like people touching whats mine! Now lets go home!" He said and grabbed my arm, taking me to the cashier to pay for our items.

The car ride home was very quiet. Once we got home he got out of the car and slammed the door. "What is wrong Kookie?" I asked and set the bag of food on the counter. "Nothing." He replied with a deep voice. I pouted and put everything away. After I was done I went and sat down next to Jungkook on the couch. 

"Are you going to answer me?" I ask and put my hand on his arm. "I don't like seeing other men near you, it pisses me off." He said and growled a little at the end. "I can't not be near people Kookie, you'll have to get used to it." I said and pouted.

"I don't think I can. Now tell me honestly baby, do you mind that I'm possessive, because if you'd let me, I'd take you away from everything. We'd move into my house, I'd marry you and fill you up with my children." He said and looked me straight in the eyes.

With my eyes starting to water I straddled him and kissed him on the lips. "I love you Kookie, if you asked me to marry you right now I would." I said.  "Then maybe I should ask you to marry me." He said and started to kiss at my neck. 

"Please~." I moaned. "Marry me Taehyung. It doesn't have to happen now but please." I smiled and kissed him. "Of course Jungkook, so wheres my ring?" He laughed. "We can get one tomorrow okay? You can get whatever one you'd like."

"Okay kookie." 

"Lets go sleep now baby."

"I don't want to Daddy, I want you." 


Sorry for the short chapter, but smut next chapter! I'm sorry I'm rushing it, but I just couldn't handle it and I really wanted to do it.

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