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Kim Taehyung

After Jungkook left, I decided to paint something. But I didn't exactly know what to paint. So I picked up my brush and just went with what felt right. After a couple hours I put don my paint brush for the last time, I wiped the sweat off my forehead and looked at what I painted. 

My eyes widened as I saw that I painted Jungkook. I don't even know how it looks like a photo of him, every little detail on his face was on my painting, the scar on his cheek, and the mole below his lips.

I blushed and started to think about every feature on Jungkook. He's so handsome and manly, I'm not manly, I pouted to myself. I got up and put the painting away in my closet so the next time he comes over because that would be weird. After that I clean up the mess I made and suddenly got a text.


Hey Tae! Want to go get ice cream? I'm bored.


Sure, I'll meet you at the park in 30 minutes!


Okay, see you soon Tae.

I shut off my phone and got ready throwing on a shirt and a pair of jeans. And started walking to the park. It only took me around 10 minutes to walk there, and along the way looking at the beautiful cherry blossom trees. 

"Chim!" I yelled as I jumped on his back. 

"Woah Tae!" He chuckled before he hugged me back.

"How have you been Tae?" He said as we let go of each other and walked to the ice cream shop.

"I've been good Chim, Jungkook and I have been getting closer." I said.

Suddenly he stopped walking. "What? I thought I told you to stay away from him! He's bad news Tae." He said with a hint of anger.

"C-Chim, he's very nice to me. We cuddle and watch Disney movies and he doesn't complain. I don't know why everyone says bad things about him."


"You fucking bitch!" Jungkook yelled as he kicked the man in the stomach again.

"Don't touch whats mine!" Jungkook was furious, one night when he was following Taehyung he saw someone tochhis hand when walking by him and he was not happy.

This is the bad Jungkook that everyone knows and talks about, not the one Taehyung knows.

He was the closest thing to the devil.


The man on the ground cried helplessly with blood flowing from him mouth.

"I-I don't k-know what you're talking a-about. What did I d-do to you?" Jungkook just chuckled and grabbed his gun pointing it at the man.

"You touched Kim Taehyung, the property of me, Jeon Jungkook. And no one lives after touching what belongs to me." He said before shooting the man in the head. Blood splattered everywhere.

Jungkook smiled when he felt the blood on his face, taking his finger to pick some up and brought it to his lips tasting the flavor.

"Goodbye asshole."

Back to Vmin

"Just stay away from him Tae, I care for you too much to see you get hurt." I looked down and started walking again. "Lets just get ice cream okay?" I said, not wanting to start a fight between us.

I won't stop seeing Jungkook, I'm sorry Jimin.

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