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I put my hands on Jimins chest, trying to gently push him away but it didn't work. Then I felt rough hands gliding down my back to my ass groping it. I gasped in shock as I felt his tongue make his way into my mouth, exploring it everywhere.

Soon enough I felt him pull away from me and cup my cheeks in his hands. "Please Tae." He said his eyes looking into mine, with a pleading voice.

"I'm sorry Jimin, I just started dating Jungkook. And I see you as my best friend. Please, please forget me that way." I said and took his hands from my face. He sat down on the bed next to me and hung his head low and started crying.

I widened my eyes in shock as I wrapped my arms around him in a hug. "Why does nobody like me!" He yelled and started shaking from crying so much. "You'll meet the right one Jiminie, don't worry, I can feel you'll meet someone. So can we please be friends? I don't want to loose you." I said and pouted.

"You won't loose me Tae." He said and sadly smiled. "How about we watch Disney!?" I said as I tried to lift the mood. He nodded and I got up and started playing Cinderella. After the movie ended Jimin had to go home because it was getting late. We said our goodbyes and he left.

I made my way back up the stairs to my bedroom and layed down, staring up at the ceiling wondering when my life became so complicated. I turned on my TV and decided to watch Stranger Things.

I was about half way through the episode when I heard my door opening and I looked over, alarmed. I sighed and continued watching my show when I saw that it was just Jungkook. "Hey baby." A husky voice said. "Hi Kookie." I said and felt him lay down behind me and grab my waist, pulling me closer to him.

He snuggled into the crook of my neck and inhaled my sent. "What did you do with Jimin today?" He asked me and I widened my eyes. "O-oh n-nothing, just the u-usual." I said and mentally slapped myself for stuttering. "Why did you stutter? Tell me everything that happened, or do I have to punish you?" He said with a low growl.

"We watched t-tv." I croaked out. "Continue." He said and squeezed my waist. "AndthenheconfessedhisfeelingsformeandkissedmethenIturnedhimdownandheleft." I said quickly, hoping he won't get mad.

"Say it slower."

"He confessed his feelings for me and kissed me for a little bit and then he left." I whispered.

"WHAT!" He yelled and stood up. "DO YOU LIKE HIM TOO!? YOU BETTER HAVE TURNED HIM DOWN!" He yelled at me and shifted away from him. "I-I turned him down but we are still f-friends." I said and played with my fingers.

"Good." He said and picked my up by my thighs, my hands immediately going around his neck, not wanting to fall. He roughly but gently pushed me against the wall and started kissing me. I kissed him back with the same passion. His hands glided up a bit further to grope my butt making me moan so he can stick his tongue in my mouth.

We fought for dominance which he obviously won, roaming my mouth freely. He stopped kissing me so we can get air and I felt him pressing kisses to my neck, most likely leaving marks. My hands made their way into his hair grabbing and pulling at it as I threw my head back, hitting the wall and moaning in pleasure.

He slowly pulled away and let me stand. "Now you know who you belong to, right?" He said, voice dripping with dominance. "I always belonged to you." I said and pecked his lips. "Good, now don't cover my marks I left on you, got it?" He asked and I nodded.


"Yes daddy."

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