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Jungkook looked like he could kill, he rushed over and started to punch Bogum in the face and Bogum immediately fighting back. I couldn't watch this anymore. "STOP!" I yelled and both boys stopped fighting and looked at me. 

"Jungkook, what are you doing here?" I asked him as he walked over to me. "Lets go now." And before I got the chance to say anything Jungkook picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He ran out of the house and threw me in the car and started to drive off.

"JUNGKOOK!" I yelled, trying to get his attention but he just ignored me. I pouted and turned to look out of the window. After a couple more minuted of driving we reached a gate where Jungkook rolled down is window and a camera scanned his face and the gate opened letting us inside. 

I looked around and saw that we were arriving at a big modern mansion. He stopped the car in front of the house and got out and walked to my side, picked me up and threw me over his shoulder again.

"What are you doing Jungkook!" I yelled and he still didn't reply but just kept walking until we were in his house in his bedroom. He threw me on the bed and started pacing around the room. But suddenly he yelled out at me, "WHAT WERE YOU DOING WITH PARK BOGUM!" He turned to look at me, waiting for an answer.

"We confessed to each other and he was going to kiss me. What is so wrong with that?!" I asked. Suddenly his eyes looked like they turned black and he picked me up and pinned me against the wall and raised his fist. I tried to shrink down expecting him to hit me but he punched the wall beside my head.

When I heard the impact of his fist on the wall I whimpered and jumped. "You like him?" He said, his voice deep and calm. "I had a crush on him back in Daegu and seeing him again made some of my feelings come back." I whispered.

Jungkook chuckled and put his finger under my chin to make me look up at him. "So you know that he is a mafia boss and is my enemy? Huh, do you Taehyung!?" My eyes widened in shock as I took in what he just told me.

"He's a m-mafia boss, and y-you are t-too?" I said, my voice cracking as tears fell down my cheeks. "Don't act like you didn't know, I know for a fact someone told you about me."

"T-they did but I didn't think it was t-true. Are you going to h-hurt me?" I asked, looking so small under the dominant male. "God no, I could never hurt you, I love you, so so much and I know that you don't love me too-" He said but his words were cut as I smashed my lips against his. 

"I kinda l-like you too, thats why I said some of my feelings came back for Bogum. I was confused because I feel an attraction to you but I never knew what it was until now. I'm sorry Jungkook." I said looking into his eyes as my hands were around his shoulders and his hands on my waist.

He smiled his cute bunny smile, the whole mad expression wiped off his face as he heard my words. He kissed me again and pulled away hugging me. "I'm so glad you feel the same." He said as his face was in the crook of my neck, peppering small kisses on it.

"So baby, be my boyfriend and stay away from Bogum?" He asked, now cupping my cheeks looking into my eyes,

I nodded, "Yes Jungkook, I'll be your boyfriend." I smiled.


Wow, two updates in one day. I know I kinda rushed this but I hope you don't mind, I didn't plan on making this story too long, only about 20 chapters.

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