Chapter 4: A new threat?

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It was the next day, you woke up normal time. You got up and got dressed shoving the same clothes you had on yesterday. You made your way downstairs to see that Judith wasn't in. You didn't know wether Michone was in either.

You walked outside to see the newbies getting ready to leave you then saw Saddiq, Judith, and Gabriel with them. You then walked over to them "Good morning missy." You bent down and hugged Judith.

"Good morning!" She turned around and saw you.

"Thank you for not killing Luke, I know he's a pain in the ass at times but thank you." Yumiko looked at you with a friendly smile.

"You're Yumiko right?" You asked.

"Yup, it's nice to meet you." She held out her hand.

"You too." You shook it and then heard hooves clopping in the distance until you saw Michone arrive on a horse.

"Change of plans." Michone said.

"There's a place a lot like this one, the leader might take you in. I'll escort you personally." Michone added.

"You're taking them to hilltop? Do you need any help?" You only asked this so you could see Maggie, Jesus and Tara, and not to mention baby hershel, even tho he won't be a baby anymore.

"Yes but I want Saddiq coming with me to keep an eye on Yumiko." Michone firmly said.

"I'm coming too." You insisted.

"No your staying here, to look after your brother and sister and Alexandria for me." Michonne demanded.

You huffed as you backed away. Everyone then said there goodbyes. You shook hands with everyone and wished them a safe journey.

"I'll be back in a few days. Alright?" Michone then said.

"Yup ok, be safe. And tell everyone I said hello for me" You were annoyed that you couldn't go, they all started to get into the cart. "I will don't worry." Michone smiled.

You, Judith and Gabriel waved them off as they left Alexandria. "Right missy you better get off to school." You kissed Judith on the head.

"See you later!" Judith kissed you on the cheek and then she ran away to go to school.

"You know, you would make a great mother" Gabriel suddenly spoke out as you two started to walk around Alexandria.

"Yeah, What makes you say that?" You scoffed as that was the last thing on your mind.

"They way you are with Judith and R.J. And the other kids! Your nurturing, and you always protect them." Gabriel assured.

"Yeah well, that's the last thing on my mind Gabriel." You laughed.

"Well you and Negan have been together for what, nearly 10 years..." Gabriel said hesitantly.

"Its been 7 years. Doesn't mean I need to have a baby with him. I know I want kids but I don't want to rase them through all this. It's not fair." You admitted.

"Well, look at your sister! She's doing great." Gabriel pointed out, you knew what he was doing. He was trying to change your mind on having a baby.

"Look having children is the last thing on my mind, what will people think too that Rick Grimes is a Grandad to Negan's child? Yeah it won't go down well." You wanted to stop talking about it all as you knew your mind was made up.

"All I'm saying is, it would be great for you to have a child. The children are our future!" Gabriel raised his hands in the air and moved them around.

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