Chapter 31

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I gasped in pain as the men jerked me around. They had my arms pinned behind my back as they dragged me along. I struggled fiercely, but I couldn't free myself in my exhausted, starved state. It didn't help that the two men's combined strength was greater than mine at my best. That didn't deter me, however. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of being obedient! I wouldn't! The sack on my head didn't allow me to see, but I knew that wherever we were going, I wouldn't like it.

   "He refuses to walk, Mister Stryker," called Norris. "I vould valk if ju told me vhere ve vere going!" I growled. "Had to carry the little turd the whole way," added the the other. "So mature, calling me a turd," I muttered. "Just drop him anywhere, Norris!" called back the man from when I first arrived. I grunted when I was dropped heavily onto a metal surface.

      I struggled to my hands and knees as the men began to talk. "Take that bag off of his head," ordered Stryker. I could feel them hesitate and almost laughed out loud, knowing exactly why. "W-well..." stuttered Norris's partner. "We should mention..." Norris finished more calmly. "He tried to escape, sir. We had to get a little rough with him to settle him down." I laughed. "So that's your excuse..." I muttered. Stryker didn't seem amused. "A little rough with him? What does that mean?" he growled. Neither of the men said anything. "Take the bag off his head," ordered Stryker angrily. One of them yanked it off. What would have been a pleasant smile was made grotesque by the blood running from my nose, mouth, and a few cuts on my face. "Surprise!" I exclaimed with sarcastic cheerfulness.

   Stryker looked from me to the two men, disgust darkening his features. I was never sure whether that disgust was directed towards me or them. "You're excused," he growled. As they hurried away, he turned to me. "Are you capable of killing?" he asked. I had pushed myself up onto my knees and attempted to wipe away some of the blood, but I froze at his words. "Am I- am I vhat?" I stuttered. "With your mutant abilities. The teleportation, the agility, and whatever else you can do, are you capable of killing, say from a long distance away," he explained. I looked up at him. "I.... I don't understand vhat ju are asking me. Are ju asking if I can or..." He rolled his eyes. "It's a simple question, Wagner. I'm offering you the opportunity to kill your oppressors over there." I looked back at the two men walking back towards the building. "This little bit of technology will turn off your inhibitor collar," he continued, pulling out a small remote. "I'll disable your collar and allow you to teleport over to those retreating soldiers and kill them for the beating they inflicted upon you. All you have to do is ask." I blinked, looked at the men once more, then shook my head. "Nein," I said quietly. "Zat vould be against God." Stryker smiled, looking surprised. "Against whose God?" he asked. "More people kill in the name of God than for any other reason on this godforsaken planet." I smiled. "The only zings forsaken by God vill be zose who kill in His name. Mein God is capable of nozing but love. Mein God even loves people like ju."

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