Chapter 3

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My eyes slowly started to open. I looked around at my surroundings. I was sitting in a car. It was late at night. I got up more straight and looked at who was driving the car. I couldn't see who was driving but they seemed really covered up. They had a black hoodie that covered their head and they had black leather gloves. 

My hands were tied together and my mouth was covered up with a piece of duct tape. Who did this moron think he was. I tried talking but it came out all muffled. He didn't do anything to my feet so I started to kick his seat. 


He turned around and ripped the piece of duct tape off my mouth. I didn't get to see his face.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"No need to get sassy darling," he said.

"Who are you and why did you kidnap me you little piece of shit."

He stopped the car and slowly turned around. I saw he was wearing a Guy Fawkes mask.

Oh my fucking god this cannot be happening. 

I slowly started to back away and leaned against the door. I screamed. 


"There's no point in screaming Elise."

"H-how do you know my name."

Wow, great question Elise. He's apart of fucking Anonymous, of course he knows your fucking name. 

"I know a lot of things about you."

"Yeah and that isn't creepy." I rolled my eyes. 

He turned back around and started the car. 

"So you guys gave me a fake location? Why do you even need me?" I said.

"Well, we know you were trying to find our location a while back but you failed."

"Of course I did, your fucking Anonymous."

He laughed.

"You have potential."

"Potential for what?"


 "Yeah that explains a lot."

 "You'll find out soon."

"So basically you want me to give up on my life? The one that I did everything to get?"


"Yeah obviously I'm gonna do that," I said sarcastically.

"Well if you don't join, we have to kill you because you know too much."

"K-kill me..?"

"Yes," he said in a serious voice. 

I sighed. 

The car stopped and he got out. He came over to my side and opened the door. 

"Come on."

I was still leaning on the door on the other side. I came closer to him and he untied my hands.

I was gonna go and punch him in the face but he grabbed my hands way before I could do that.

He pulled me outside and brought me very close to his face. 

"You can try to run but it won't do you any good," he said.

I looked around and he was right. There was no exit. It was better if I went along with him or else they would probably kill me with no hesitation. 

"Okay," I said quietly. 

He let go of my hands. He started walking and I followed behind him.

We made it inside of a huge building that had never-ending hallways. I stayed close behind him. There were people at every turn I made. They all looked at me and continued to do what they were doing. 

He stopped at a door. I was now standing somewhat next to him. He opened the door and went inside. So did I.

Inside the room was a table and three chairs set up. 

He motioned for me to sit at the chair at one end of the table. Across from where I was sitting there were two chairs. 

I went over to the chair and sat. He came over behind me and leaned down and whispered into my ear. 

"Please don't cause any attention. I am letting you sit with your hands-free and not handcuffed. This may seem weird, but I somewhat trust you to not do any dumb shit. So hopefully I can keep that trust with you, okay?"

He said this in a quiet voice that sent shivers down my back.

"Okay," I said. 

He got back up and headed for the door.


He turned around and looked at me.


"What's your name?"

He looked a bit hesitant to tell me.


"Okay Kai, nice to meet you," I said smiling.

Did I actually just say that to my fucking kidnapper?

"You too."

He walked out and locked the door behind him.

Kai. That is a fucking hot name.

He trusts me. And in a weird way,

I trusted him too. 

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