Chapter 65: first day of hell

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Jeff's pov
Slender dropped us off in front of school. We all walked in. A lady in a suit skirt came to us.
"You all must be our new students.", the lady said.
Masky looked at everyone then at the lady.
"Yes. I'm Tim.", Masky said.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Mrs. Canapé. I'm the vice principal of the school.", mrs.canapé said.
Mrs.Canapé handed us papers with our schedules.
"Theses are your classes. We have one uniform rule... no hoodies.", mrs.canapé said.
I went up to Mrs.Canapé.
"I'm not taking off this hoodie.", I said.
"It's the school rule.", she said.
"Well, I'm not good at following rules. That and no one is going to choke me with my hoodie stings.", I said.
"Take off the hoodie,...", she said.
The bell rang. I started to my class then turned around to Mrs.Canapé.
"The name's Jeff.", I said.
I went to my first period class. It was government. Boring. I look at the students. Jane wasn't in this class. I sighed. This class is going to be hell. I pulled out my phone but hid in the desk. I started texting Jane. I asked her schedule. We didn't have class together till third period. That's going to take forever.
"Mr.Pasta, put the phone away.", the teacher said.
I looked up at the teacher.
"Fine.", I said.
I put the phone away.
Third period
I walked into the third period class and saw Jane sitting by herself. I went over to Jane and kissed her on the forehead then sat down next to her.
"Hi.", I said.
She looked at me then giggled.
"How was your classes, Mr.Pasta?", she asked.
"Okay, Miss.Everlasting.", I said.
"I'm surprised.", she said.
"Why?", I asked.
"You didn't kill anyone yet.", she said.
"I'm trying not to. I know how much risk we would be if I did.", I said.
The teacher looked at me.
"Mr.Pasta, since you like to talk. Would you like to start reading 'the perks of being a wallflower'?", the teacher said.
"Sure.", I said.
I opened the book in front of me then started to read.
"Dear friend, I am writing to you because she said you listen and understand and didn't try to sleep with that person at that party....", I said.
It was sixth period.
Jane and I headed to the lunch room.
Jane saw Masky, Hoody and Toby already sitting at a table. She ran to them. I followed behind.
"Jane, what do you want to eat?", I asked.
"Grill cheese.", she said.
"Okay. I'll be right back.", I said.
I grabbed mine and Jane's lunch then head back to the table. Ben was now sitting with us. We all ate our food then talked about our day so far.

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