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"We have a surprise for both of you," Thomas said and smiled as we walked into the living room. We were positioned with our hands out and were told to close our eyes. Something was placed in out hands and we opened them to see tiny snakes.

"It's a baby black rat snake..." I sat and held it. "Hey, baby," I cooed since I loved snakes just like Chase. We had weird obsessions with snakes even when we were little. We used to play with the snakes in the forest behind out house.

"It's a boy and he's just 6 months old," the seller said. Chase had a yellow snake and he loved it.

"How much do they cost?" He asked, smiling and watching the snake wrap itself around his forearm.

"Together they're $69.98." Chase gave me a look and I gave him one back. I'll just translate our conversation of looks for you.

C: They're so cute.

Me: I know.

C: Should we get them?

Me: I think we should.

C: Just one or both?

Me: Your choice. Which would you prefer to get?

C: Yeah, we should get both. I think you like that and I like this.

Me: Yeah. If you buy, I'll pay you the cost of mine back.

C: Okay. Deal

"They're doing that creepy sibling thing again," Alex screamed.

"What do you think they're saying?" Calvin asked. "What? Are? You? Saying?" He got closer and in our faces.

C: Tell him to be quiet.

"Calvin, Chase wants me to tell you to stop talking," I said and he stepped away from me and sighed and everyone laughed at him.

C: You're positive? You think we can take care of them?

Me: Yeah.

"We'll get them," Chase said and paid. I paid him the price of my snake and Tayler ended up getting a snake too. He couldn't decide a name and Kelianne wanted to call him Snakey. Chase looked at me again and I stared back.

C: Let's go get stuff for them?

"That would be so cool!" I told him, not realizing he hadn't said it out loud.

"What?" Everyone asked.

"He wants to go get stuff for the snakes."

"We'll come with you," Tayler and Kelianne said. We took the snakes with us and the boys bought the necessary stuff while Kelianne and I decided to get accessories as well. We had a list of what to get as well. Most of it was useful, but we had to ask one of the helpers exactly how to take care of a snake.


Lighting and Heating Elements

Thermometer and Hygrometer


Decor and Hiding Places

Mice and Rats

Water Bowl

Cute Leash

Cute Decor


We got everything but the water bowl, leash, and sweater. Kelianne was driving on the way back and drove to Versace.

"Why are we here?" Tayler asked.

"Chase, can you hold onto Sir Ziggy?" I asked looking at the back.

"Yeah," he said and Kelianne and I went in. We got a cute sweater, a leash, and two mini bowls for water and food. We got back and I took Sir Ziggy from Chase. We went back to the house and set up the terrarium. I cleaned the Versace bowls and everyone observed my snake.

"And here's the calendar. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays he gets special baths, and on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays he gets massages. Every morning, he goes for a nice walk across the street," I explained.

"What about Saturdays?" Jaden asked.

"Saturday is feeding day."

"This snake is spoiled."

"The snake has a name, meanie. His name is Sir Ziggy."

"I contributed to the Sir part," Kelianne said proudly.

A couple weeks passed and I couldn't come up with any song ideas and all my fans wanted more music. I had bits and pieces that I had recorded but I needed to put them together. Jaden's song Angels and Demons was a hit and he had tons more tattoos now. He'd become a real rockstar now and had gotten a deal with Travis Barker which was a big deal. We had gotten to be closer friends and I still had a crush on him. Now even more because of his tattoos and how hot he looked with them. I had started going to parties with other artists to take my mind off of him and no one had said anything about my change of personality. I was at Jaden's apartment and it was night. He had gone down and his phone dinged next to me. I looked over quickly and it was a text from Charly.

C: Hey bb. Miss you! Let's talk even tho we did yesterday. I like seeing you

I got up and went down, seeing Jaden in the living room. I was a bit upset that he was still texting her, but sucked it up. He had told me that he'd still be friends with her, but keep her away from me since he didn't wanna ruin any good friendships. But when I saw Charly and Jaden together in TikToks, he looked like he wanted to be more than friends with her.

"Hey," Jaden said.

"Hey. I-I'm just gonna head to the party now. It's almost started," I said and walked out.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Jaden followed me outside and pulled me to turn around. "I'm done holding this in. You always dress in such showey clothes when you're going to a party. You're a big deal now. I get it! You're a singer and you get invited to tons of parties. But even then... What is wrong with you? Are you literally trying to get a boyfriend or get fucked? If you keep dressing like that, someone will throw themselves on you and you'll regret it!" He continued to rant about how I had changed and I wasn't me anymore. Like I didn't already know that.

"Maybe it's because the guy I like doesn't like me back. But instead he likes the one person who hates my guts. Maybe it's because I just hate showing how jealous I am of her because she gets his attention and I don't! Yes, I go to parties dressed like this. But only so I might have the chance of finding a boyfriend there that can help take my mind off of the guy I like!"

Talented and Perfect: Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now