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Haruna Shibuya had been raised in the Shibuya doujo.
The master herself had adopted her when she was only a few months old.
She knew nothing of her origins, but she was too busy to care.

At the ripe age of 4, her adoptive grandmother found out the child had a special power.
The blonde girl of silver eyes could regenerate to a molecular level in a matter of seconds, no matter the size of the wound or the gravity of the illness, she was always brought back to health. This also meant she had an abnormal amount of stamina, that kept her going without ever getting tired.

They tried to keep Haruna's power secret, however it was a matter of time until they were discovered. Rather sooner than letter the news of this formidable girl picked the interest of a certain organisation that worked with similar children, unexplainably powerful kids.

The blade took her from her home when she was about to turn eight, they experimented with her power and trained her, to use her along with other children like her for their own benefit.

After almost three years of torture, training, and forcibly doing secret missions Haruna managed to escape, along with some other children. She took the chance to steal some of the materials and gadgets the blade had come up to after experimenting with their prisoners.

After finally getting back with her family, Haruna thought she would be able to live a more or less normal life with them, but these illusions were cut short when attackers started being sent to retrieve her and get her back to the organisation.

The master of the dojo, along with her students, whom Haruna considered family, defended her every time and they were able to fight them off for a little bit, which raised Haruna's hopes again, thinking the agents of the blade might surrender at some point and just let her exist.

It was when one of her grandma's students almost died protecting her that she decided she had to leave.

She remembered discovering about an academy on one of her missions. She discovered that most of the children the blade had targeted to be in her place were unaccessible due to their enrollment in the Alice academy.

Knowing that the blade wouldn't be able to touch her she decided to go there, hoping they would accept her enrollment.

She took her grandma's savings for the holidays and took a bus to the city where the academy was.

Haruna brought with her all the gadgets from the blade, her diary and most of her clothes.

Once she got there and the guard of the main entrance refused to open the door she passed to plan b.


"I'm sorry but this is not a place that just anyone can enter."

"I-I know, but I'm exactly like the kids inside," she said taking a dagger out of her backpack. "Just watch."

She sunk the blade on her arm. The guard watched stunned as the child's skin closed back in and the wound she had was no longer to be seen.

Haruna stared as the guard called someone.

"Sir, please. I already showed you. The people after me could get here any moment" she pressured. "please... I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE."

"ALRIGHT, alright. I'll open the door and you can get inside. But you will have to stay here with me until someone comes to pick you up." Haruna nodded, with a tiny smile.

The guard opened the door and she got inside. He grabbed his walkie-talkie again and Haruna looked for something in her backpack. It was one of the gadgets she stole from the blade. She called it a memory pen.

"do you mind looking here" the guard, distracted, looked there and she pushed the button causing a tiny string to fly to the guards head. It stuck there and zapped the man, leaving him unconscious. It should also erase his memory from the last 10 minutes. "thank you"

She put the memory pen back inside her back and started walking.

She had no idea where exactly she was going but she knew she had to get away from the main door.

"Excuse me, who are you?" after not too long she was stopped by a blonde man. "why are you not wearing your uniform?"

"no one gave me one," she said calmly.

"how old are you?"

"10," she said with an innocent smile.

"Why don't I know you?" he asked, suspicious. She was already preparing her memory pen since it still should be able to erase a couple of days of memory.

"ah, sorry. I'm Haruna Shibuya, Nice to meet you." She said bowing respectfully. "I actually just got here and got lost looking for the main office... Who are you?"

"You might be the cutest girl I have ever seen, Haru-chan. I'm Narumi-sensei." she was actually unlucky enough to meet a teacher first. "What Alice do you have? "

"Sorry... What's an Alice?" Narumi's eyes went cold for an instant.

"It's something you need if you want to enrol into the Alice academy. I'm afraid that If you do not have one, you will have to leave. And since you don't know what it is, I'll get you to the main door" He said with a smile. "How did you get in anyways?"

"It was quite easy actually. I thought this place would be better protected" she said serious, grabbing her memory pen. He looked at her surprised.

"Haru-chan" Haruna could tell his tone had changed, as if he was focusing on what he was saying "why don't you accompany me to the main door"

"um... How about no? I honestly don't want to get out". She said pouting "it's not safe outside"

"no way you too... It's too much of a coincidence" he mumbled. It was then when it came through to him: those familiar silvery eyes, the blond hair and that defying expression. "alright then... I'll take you to the main office."

Haruna's expression lightened up. She had finally made it.

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