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Mikan approached her sister once they could get rid of the sticky stuff.

"Did you actually kiss Ruka-pyon?" She said smiling. Both Natsume and Ruka looked at them when hearing that.

"I didn't," She said putting her hair up in a ponytail. "An apple landed on my head before I could. But I'm glad... I don't think either of us wanted that."

"Guys the play was an absolute success! Congratulations, and thank you to everyone who helped even if they were from other classes." Haruna got up, still dressed as a prince headed to where Narumi was, placing a hand in her concealed sword. Narumi went pale when he felt her raging eyes on him "H-Haru-chan?"

"You know it's very interesting," She said, her voice was different than usual, everyone stared as she looked like she was about to kill the teacher. "How you didn't even bother to ask if any of us were comfortable with following those changes of the script."

"You know what they say... The show must go on..." he said with a shaky voice. She drew her sword out and pointed it to Narumi's nose "Please don't kill me..."

"I'm not going to kill anyone, yet. I just want you to remember something" she said relaxing and drawing her sword back in its case "We are still children, no matter if we don't act like it. And you have no right to use us."

He gulped and she left, being followed by Mikan.

"You might want to keep an eye open when you go to sleep," Hotaru said softly and then left.

"Wait what?" he said then tried to follow the girl "what is she going to do to me?!"


After the festival, a dance was going to be held. There they'd announce the winners to the best performances of the festival.

In the end, Hotaru won a price, and the special ability class won another, which they didn't expect at all.

Mikan, Hotaru and Haruna were having fun when Narumi approached them. He gave Mikan a letter from his grandfather. They had explained what happened when Mikan discovered that her grandpa was trying to reach out as well.

"Now that I think about it... You haven't even tried to reach out to your grandma, Haru-chan" He said looking at her "don't you wanna know if she's alright?"

"I know she's alright," Haruna said calmly. "She's a tough lady. She has ways to get in touch with me if she needs me, don't worry."

"But what If she's out of the school gates, asking to see you," Mikan said worried "like Grandpa..."

"Oh, I'd definitely know if she was here." Haruna laughed "she would already be inside, if she wanted to come in, if no guards could stop me, much less would they stop her."

Everyone stared amazed as Haruna talked about her amazing grandma.

Haruna was pretty convinced that her Grandma did have an Alice, now that she knew what they were. And thinking about it she started suspecting of other people that lived in the dojo with them, like Mr Yamamoto. She was pretty sure he had an Alice that allowed him to be in several places at once, or Ren, who was like an older brother to her, she was convinced that he had some sort of Alice as well. What she didn't know was if they were conscious of that.

She did miss them of course. But if she wanted them to be out of danger she couldn't get in touch unless it was absolutely necessary.

Music started to play and people started to dance. Ruka and Natsume were soon surrounded by girls of all ages asking them to dance.

"They say that if you dance with someone you love during this festival" Anna explained, "your paths will surely cross in the future."

"That's cute," Haruna said. They kept talking until it was time for the actual dance. Hotaru went on stage since she won a price. Haruna looked around and saw that Natsume and Ruka were nowhere to be seen, and a bunch of girls that wanted to ask them to dance were looking for them. "Aw I wanted to dance with them as well" she mumbled.

"What?" Mikan said.

"Nothing" the stage lights were turned on again "Look it's Hotaru!"

"Hotaru calls her partner for the last dance" The host gave Hotaru the microphone "Mikan Sakura, and Haruna Shibuya."

The twins looked at each other and then went to Hotaru. They danced together for a while.

"Mind if I steal her?" both Haruna and Hotaru laughed and let Mikan go with Yuri. Apparently they had become friends in the time they were stuck together. The two of them kept dancing together until a certain representative approached them "May I?"

Haruna chuckled noticing Hotaru's new stiffness "You got it, girl, don't worry." she pushed a bit for Hotaru to go with her brother and left the dance floor.

She joined Tsubasa, who was resting after dancing with Misaki for a while. She was now dancing with another guy from their class.

"Hi Tsubasa-senpai" She said sitting down next to him and offering a chicken wing, which he took. "You look great"

"Thanks, Haru-chan," he said happily while chewing on some chicken. "You look really pretty. The angel look really suits you. I also saw you on the play earlier. You did great!"

"Thank you... They had an accident and I had to help" She explained looking at the people dance. They started talking about their days, Haruna explained the incident with the kid and Hotaru's invention and how her first meeting with her older brother had gone.

"Ruka-kun, who will you dance with?" a girl said, making the pair look at them, "please choose me!" Said another girl Haruna chuckled. Then they saw some more girls mumbling something behind the others.

"Who do you think he'll choose?" one of them mumbled, "You think he'll choose that girl, Shibuya?"

"The one that was in the play with him?" Haruna raised a brow amused as she listened to their conversation "I hope not. She's a very weird and  a tad scary."

"Do you think they actually kissed?" Tsubasa was about to jump at them but Haruna stopped him, she observed with a smirk. At this point, Ruka was listening too. "During the play, you know?"

"I hope not! Poor Ruka-kun." the other girl said laughing "Having a girl like that kiss him! Ew!"

"Hey!" Ruka turned around and glared at the girls, who stopped laughing.

"I didn't," Haruna said aloud from the back. All of them stared at her. "It's not like it's any of your business. I might be weird but you're pursuing a boy a couple of years younger than you, that's just wrong, and illegal in some years. But hey, we didn't kiss so I guess you can rest in peace tonight."

"Are you saying you'll kill us?" A girl spat.

"What? No! Why does everyone think I'm trying to kill them?" Tsubasa laughed. "You would do me a favour by getting out of my sight though."

Haruna smiled fakely and the girls left, leaving Ruka alone for the first time in the night.

He sighed, relieved and approached them.

"Ah, Misaki is calling me" Tsubasa left them alone and suddenly the silence that surrounded them became awkward.

Haruna glanced at Natsume, dancing with someone she didn't know. The song was finally done and he approached them.

"Why don't you two dance together," Ruka said softly. Both Natsume and Haruna looked at each other and then at Ruka.

"You dance with her" the fire caster said, looking away with his hands in his pockets"I'm leaving."

"I'm fine with either of you, but I'd like to move please" Haruna said trying to relief the tension.

The music started playing again, Ruka tried to follow Natsume but he pushed him.

Haruna trapped him before he could fall "Are you alright?" She asked concerned. He nodded and they ended up dancing together.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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