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One of the men took Haruna dropping the knife as an opportunity. He tried to land a punch but she dodged it. Quickly she put to use the knowledge her grandma had passed on and, with a few moves she ended behind the man, she landed a few hits on his dorsal spine, making his legs collapse.

That was the style that her grandma taught at her dojo. Mahijutzu. The art to paralyze. It's a long lost art that was only taught in three dojos in the world.

It took very long to be able to perform a full paralysis on a grown body, but Haruna was already able to paralyze certain parts of the body, like the legs or an arm, her paralysis didn't last very long though.

Natsume finally stood up and got in front of her. He started using his Alice against them.

"Run," he said. They did, mainly because Permy dragged them out. Natsume told the kidnappers he'd explode the place if they didn't let the girls run away.

"We have to go back!" Haruna said once they were out.

"Natsume can take care of himself," Sumire said, "we need to look for the teachers."

Mikan nodded. Haruna sighed.

"you look for them. I'll stay with Natsume" she didn't give them space to answer. She went back in.

"Do you really think it's worth it?" Reo said, "they will be cached in no time."

"they are probably already very far away." Natsume said "It won't be so easy to catch them. I know it won't be in vain."

Natsume was about to blow the place up when he was thrown to the floor by Haruna who threw herself at him.

"don't even think about it," Haruna said, now hovering over him. "we came all this way for you we are not leaving you behind. And you are definitely not going to kill yourself, that clear?"

"Don't move!" Reo said suddenly. Leaving Natsume paralyzed.

"Natsume!" Haruna said.

"You really are stupid," Reo said. "all his efforts are in vain now that you came back."

"Idiot" Natsume mumbled, "Why did you come back?"

"I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something happened to you," She said, "Besides, you don't know this but we are partners now, so I have to take care of you."

"Get them," Reo said. Behind him, the goons had been affected by his Alice and couldn't move "How can you be so useless?!"

Haruna grabbed some dirt out of a bag that was laying around and threw it to Reo's eyes. She grabbed Natsume and got out of there as fast as she could.

They hid in a little corner.

Haruna grabbed a couple of sticks that were laying around to defend them.

"If you run now you might be able to escape," Natsume said, panting. "I'm too weak. Save yourself"

"haven't you understood by now?" Haruna said angrily as she kept an eye out "I refuse to leave you here."


"Because, believe it or not, you matter to a lot of people." She said "and if they lose you, I feel like that's on me. So I'm saving you."

"The people I love will be better off without me," Natsume said. Haruna grabbed the neck of his shirt.

"How dare you say something like that?" Haruna said. She was about to cry. Natsume stared at her in awe. "I didn't come back here to hear you say these things. What about Ruka? Him
and the rest are trying really hard to get you back safely. I'm not disappointing them, and neither are you."

"They're here" they both heard a man. She glanced at the boy one last time, and then attacked the man. She fought various people until she couldn't anymore. They took the sticks from her and immobilized her. Then a man that was going to hit her stopped moving.

"Haru-chan" it was Tsubasa, who was stepping on the man's shadow "We came to save you!

"Tsubasa-senpai!" She claimed happily. She got rid of the guys who were trapping her and immobilized their arms.

Tsubasa and Hotaru stared amazed, in their distraction they were taken as well.

Haruna saw Natsume, who was practically unconscious, being taken away by a man. She tried to attack him but another one grabbed her by the arm and sent her flying to the wall, making her lose her consciousness due to a hit on the head.

"how... DARE YOU" Natsume suddenly got really angry, losing control of his power the dynamite that was a couple of buildings away exploded, causing a big scandal.

Haruna started to gain her consciousness back.

"Where am I?" she could hear her own thoughts. But that wasn't her voice "Last I remember I was fighting those guys from Z. Then Natsume blew everything up. That jerk, even in his state could cause an explosion."

She heard a slight chuckle.

"Are Tsubasa and Hotaru alright? Where are Mikan and Sumire?" she kept hearing her thoughts. "Wait... I'm not alone."

She suddenly opened her eyes and impulsing her body with her own weight and her arms she stood up in her bed. She was in a defence position and quickly grew lightheaded so she sat down. She saw everyone staring at her.

"Guys? What happened?" she said putting a hand on her forehead, noticing a bandage covering it.

"What a way to wake up," Tsubasa said with a smirk. Haruna sighed relieved as she saw him and Hotaru were alright. "after the explosion Natsume caused we were brought back to the academy. Sadly Reo and the other guys were able to get away."

"You had a huge wound on the back of your head. They treated you in the spot." Haruna started unwrapping her forehead, ignoring Narumi's advice."You shouldn't do that Haru-chan... Wha-"

"It's gone?" Tsubasa said confused. She chuckled.

"I heal fast. Are Mikan and Permy alright?" She asked. Narumi nodded and stepped aside. Revealing the two girls

"Idiot, you would've died if we hadn't met Andou-Senpai" Permy said.

"What was going through your head?" Mikan said hugging her. "Running away like that."

"I couldn't leave Natsume there" she replied. "How is he."

"He's fine. Resting on the other room" Ruka said with a smile. "Thanks to you, Shibuya. " Haruna raised a brow "s-sorry... Haruna."

She chuckled. Narumi approached her and Mikan.

"I have so many questions," He said looking at the blonde girl, who just smiled. "First, how did you get out without no one noticing."

"I got under Reo's car when I saw they were kidnapping Natsume."

"That's really dangerous," Tsubasa said surprised. Haruna shrugged.

"I knew where to grab," she answered.

"Alright... Second," Narumi said slightly worried for the girl "why do you know how to drive a motorcycle? "

"They taught me when I was 8. I'm not tall enough so it's quite dangerous" she admitted. "but it was an emergency."

"Third. Sumire said you got stabbed in the arm." He said, "why is it spotless?"

She sighed there was no point in hiding it anymore. She was also surrounded by people she knew she could trust, so she thought it would be alright.

"I'll show you." She grabbed a sharp glass that was laying on the table. She put it through her hand's skin, wounding it. Tsubasa, not understanding anything, tried to stop her, but he was stopped by Sumire. They all stared as her wound healed right after being cut, leaving her hand spotless. "I have the regeneration Alice. As long as I'm awake, I can't be wounded, I can't get sick, and to a certain extent, I can't be killed."

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