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When all this was done Ruka had to leave. He did so without telling anybody and Natsume left with him.

The somatic class was preparing a theatre play so they assumed Ruka would be there and went to pay him a visit.

They got to the backstage and first found Narumi who was ordering people around.

When he saw them he showed them around.

"And that there is Yuri Miyazono" He explained, "She plays the prince."

"Yuri-sama!" the girls that were with them threw themselves at her, joining the other girls surrounding poor Yuri, who looked like she wasn't enjoying the attention.

"What the-?" Haruna stared in disbelief. "did they know her from before?"

"Probably not, but she has the female pheromone Alice" Narumi explained, "Which doesn't affect you two, thanks to your nullification Alice."

"That's nice." Haruna said, "Where's Ruka?"

"Well...he's in the dressing room," He said "Just... Please don't laugh at him. It wasn't easy to get him to play the role."

Haruna left with Hotaru, who she had to drag out of there since she was being affected by Yuri's pheromones, and Mikan, for some reason, stayed admiring Yuri. Not because she was attracted to her but because she genuinely thought she was really cool.

She found the dressing room and knocked.

"W-Who is it?" Ruka's shaky voice came out from the other side of the door.

"It's me, and Hotaru," Haruna said opening, to find one of the cutest things she had ever seen. "Ruka? Oh wow, you look adorable!" she said chuckling.

"I didn't want you to come!" He said trying to close the door, she put a foot inside and stood there until Hotaru took out an invention that helped them open the door. They got inside.

"Why not?" she said, "Everyone came to see you."

"It's embarrassing!" He said stepping back with a major blush. "IMAI STOP TAKING PICTURES"

"Hotaru?" Haruna stared deadpanned.

"These will sell greatly," She said simply.

"Of course they will." Haruna chuckled, suddenly an explosion and screams were heard in the backstage. The three of them ran to see what happened.

Apparently Kokoroyomi and Kitsuneme had brought some sticky slimeballs that fell and exploded. It covered everything and everyone with sticky stuff.

"What a mess" Haruna mumbled looking at the disaster. Actors were stuck, important parts of the background were covered in slime, and the public was already arriving. Haruna saw Yuri was stuck in her chair and to about six girls, and Mikan had one hand stuck on her shoulder and the other one on her own face. "Mikan, what were you even doing? Her Alice doesn't have an effect on you."

"Hey, Naru" Narumi looked to his left and saw that Natsume and Youichi's hands were stuck together. The blonde man thought for solutions.

"Alright, you go there, you put that there, we'll have to cut him and her out of the play... And you Natsume... You will have to do the part of a wild cat." He said, actually fearful of the kids possible response.

"Fuck no. I'm not doing that" He said, "Who do you think I am?"

"then I guess it will be 6 dwarfs... Aw but Yo-Chan practised so much for this" Narumi said and the kid nodded "Didn't you?"

"Onii-chan please..." He said making puppy-eyes that not even Natsume could resist.

"Well, you two talk it out. Now I need to find a hunter and a prince." he looked around to see that Hotaru got stuck to Mikan when trying to help her out. "There go two perfect candidates..."

"OH no...This two posters got stuck together... They were different scenarios..." Narumi looked at the two cardboards, one with a castle and the other one with a night forest. "What do we do now..."

"I think I have an Idea." Haruna said. Narumi stared as she walked up to a needle sword. She kicked it making it bounce so she could grab it. "does this even cut?"

Haruna passed the sword across her hand making it bleed instantly "Oh, it does." she shook her hand to get rid of the dripping blood as the wound healed quickly "alright hold the cardboards as separate as you can."

Two middle school students listened and did as she told them to. They separated the cardboards and Haruna flicked the sword as she got into position. She remembered her katana lessons with her grandma. She made it go through the two cardboards in a precise cut that separated them.

"Waaa" Mikan said happily "Haru-chan that was so cool"

"I didn't know you could handle a sword," Narumi said. Then he turned to a girl and whispered "see if you can find something that fits her"

"Grandma taught me the basics" Haruna admitted smiling and blushing slightly.

"Can't you separate the rest of us?" Natsume said irritated.

"I don't think it's a good Ide-pfft" she started talking as she turned around to face the boy, then she found him dressed as a cat and couldn't hold her laughter in "And I really don't want to either"

"The wild Natsume Hyuuga...wearing a catsuit" some girls stared at him amazed. Natsume quickly glared at them "He'll kill us if we laugh at him..."

"AHAHAHAHA" Mikan started pointing at him and laughing.

"I'm going to kill you." Natsume said.

"Aw but you look so cute!" Haruna said approaching him with the sword on hand.

"Shut up!" he snapped "don't call me cute."

"I'm sorry, you're right," she said and then she smirked, "you look adorable."

Natsume glared at her and she laughed.

"Naru-sensei" a highschool student approached the man "We found a prince suit that might fit her."

"Great, Haru-chan" She looked at him. "Would you mind playing the prince? I don't think Yuri is in conditions to do so"

"I'm really not" She said sighing.

"Sorry what?" She froze "No way! I'm a horrible actress, Narumi, really. It's a really bad idea. There has to be another way!"

"Time's running out, stripes," Natsume said next to her "I didn't put this on for nothing, so you better go the and put that thing on before I set this whole place on fire."

"You're really mean" She whispered

"oh am I?" He said sarcastically.

In the end, Haruna portrayed the prince, and Narumi himself portrayed the Hunter.

People were kind of deceived when they saw Yuri wouldn't be there, but Haruna tried her best to make it up a bit.

It was time for the kiss scene with Ruka. They changed the script and Haruna had to roll with it and actually kiss him ehile he laid on a glass bed adorned with flowers.

"I'm sorry Ruka..." She leant in slowly to kiss him. He tried to pretend to be asleep. Suddenly something hit Haruna's head and the lights went off. Their lips only brushed lightly and she immediately stood up, flushing red.

He wasn't any better, he got up and took Haruna's hand as the script said, but everyone in the audience noticed that they wouldn't look at each other.

The rest of the actors got out and bowed to the public after a few words from the narrators. Everyone clapped and soon the theatre was empty.

The Yukihira twins - Gakuen Alice - Where stories live. Discover now