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"Pleaaase!" Mikan said to Jinno-sensei who wouldn't let her go to Central Town. "I really want to go"

"I said no!" he said for the tenth time. "not only are you a no-star, but you're also a problematic child. You are not going anywhere."

"Oh come on, Jinno-sensei, I'm sure there won't be any problems with Mikan-chan" Said Narumi in an attempt to bring peace.

"Very well then" Mikan had a light in her eyes after hearing that "under the condition that you go with your partner!"

"Whaaaat?" Mikan started crying, then she looked at her sister and Hotaru looking for help.

"But isn't Natsume like a problematic child as well?" the blonde girl said. Narumi nodded "Are you allowing a problematic child to go, but only if she's under the supervision of an even more problematic child?"

"It looks like you like to question my decision-making, Shibuya-San" Jinno spat. "I remind you that your rank pends from a thin string. You will have to go with your partner as well."

That being said the man left. Haruna looked at Mikan, who cried in Hotaru's arms.

"welp" she said approaching them"I tried."

"Looks like we'll have to ask Natsume and Ruka to come with us," the class rep said. Haruna shrugged.

"Good luck, Mikan," She said.

"Aren't you going to help me?" she said with puppy eyes.

"I'll be asking Ruka while you ask Natsume," she answered.

"But that's not fair!" she said "Ruka will surely say yes. Or at least he'll put up less of a fight."

"let's try at least," the class rep said, "I'll help you."

They both started begging Natsume. Meanwhile, Haruna approached Ruka and sat in front of him.

"Are you planning to go to Central Town today?" she said calmly. Ruka looked up.

"Not really, why?" he said staring at her.

"do you mind coming with me?" she said, "Jin Jin won't let me go without you, since we're partners and all that."

"I guess we could go together then..." he said, a little flustered.

"Nice." She smiled, "Thanks, Ruka-pyon."

they both turned around as they heard Sumire and Mikan making a fuss over something. Haruna spotted a little child sitting on Natsume's lap.

"ugly" Natsume whispered and the little boy in his arms repeated. "get away from me, monkeys."

"Oi, don't teach that to the kid, Natsume" Haruna said. The child looked at her. Ruka started explaining who he was and why he was so attached to Natsume. "Who would've said Natsume had a hand with kids. See it to believe it, I'm impressed to say the least."

"shut up, idiot" Haruna just showed Natsume her tongue as a response.

"come on, come with onee-chan" Mikan said, then Permy pushed her away.

"Don't listen to her, come with me" she said.

"Ah, I forgot to mention..." Yo-Chan suddenly started spreading a tetrical energy as Ruka said this "his Alice is the control of evil spirits."

Spirits came out of the kid's body. They started chasing Mikan and surrounded Sumire, who had passed out. One approached Haruna, who just observed it and tried to touch it.

"What an interesting Alice, I wonder what he will be able to do with it in a few years" she mumbled. Youichi sneezed, making the spirits disappear.


They ended up going together to Central Town.

Natsume had put Mikan as a slave, and she was not enjoying it.

He tried to convince Ruka to put Haruna as a slave as well but she made sure Ruka wouldn't do that.

"Call the idiot," Natsume said to Ruka. He sighed.

"Um... Shibuya?" he said making her look back from her seat next to the class rep.

"Call me Haruna" She repeated, once again.

"Come here," Natsume said. She approached them. "Get me a chocolate ice cream."

"Get one yourself" she replied. He glared at her. "Mikan, give me an ice cream, please."

She gave her a chocolate one since it was the only kind she had. Everyone stared as it looked like Haruna would actually obey Natsume. It was then when she placed the ice cream in her own mouth. She winked and turned around again.

"Onee-chan" Youichi called. Haruna looked at him. He was extending his arms for her to grab him so she did. Everyone was confused since Yo-chan normally only wanted to be with Natsume. "Massage"

She chuckled and massaged his little shoulders once she sat back down next to the class rep.


It had been a long day in central town. Haruna had spent her money in a summer pyjamas, since she only brought winter ones, and some chocolate.

She helped Mikan get some more money to buy herself some howalons.

They could buy two. Mikan ate one of them, and gave the other one to Haruna. She didn't eat it though.

Natsume was alone reading in a tree when Haruna approached him and left a little present in his lap.

"What is this?" he asked coldly.

"It's a thank you gift," she said "for helping us earlier with Mikan's play"

"I didn't," he said.

"I saw you," she said smiling. "and you also came with us. Mikan and I could have a lot of fun thanks to you."

"You were able to come thanks to Ruka" He said looking at her. Haruna smiled.

"And I already thanked him. But we both know he wouldn't have agreed to come without you" She replied. "Thank you, Natsume."

Once she said that she left. What neither of them expected was that they were being watched.

The next day, in class, Narumi announced something.

"The teachers have come up with a decision," he said. "we think Haru-chan is much more capable of maintaining Natsume under control. So from now on Ruka and Mikan will be partners, and Natsume and Haruna will be partners."

Mikan started dancing. She wouldn't have to put up with Natsume anymore, and Ruka was much more gentle.

Haruna on the other hand looked at Natsume's seat, since the boy wasn't present.

That night Haruna and Mikan slept together again, this time with Hotaru, who explained her plan to get a picture of Reo.

The Yukihira twins - Gakuen Alice - Where stories live. Discover now