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Haruna woke up with Natsume's face barely an inch away from hers.

She turned around to find Mikan and Sumire waking up as well.

"This is what your fighting does, you twats," she whispered as they started moving.


"oh shut up they caught us because you whispered too loudly"

"Why are you so dense? Anyways we need to get out of here. Mikan, try to bite Permy's ropes and set her free. We will work from there. I'll try to figure out a way to escape. Teachers are probably looking for you-"

They heard some voices so they pretended to be asleep.

They overheard a conversation about them being from an organization called Z. How they had finally put their hands on the black cat and how the three girls would be sent to be shipped away for selling.

"Actually," one of the men said "we just got a call. They say they are interested in getting something back and they don't care what it costs. They want the blonde girl back."

"What? What organization is it?" Reo asked.

"The blade... I think" he answered, "I've never heard from them."

"I have." a third voice started talking "they aren't people we want to mess with. Their normal procedure would be to ask us to kill whoever we have, not to ask to give them back. So that girl right there must be a really important active. Their actives are normally elite spies, assassins or worse."

"This cute tiny girl has killed people?" Reo asked. Haruna could feel the judging of her classmates. She hadn't killed anyone of course, but they had asked her to more than once, and avoiding it hadn't been easy.

They finally left and they went back to trying to free themselves.

"oi..." Haruna turned around with some hope in her eyes.

"Natsume! You are awake!" Haruna said. "You were kidnapped by a famous guy so we followed."

"Are you stupid? Why would you do that?" He said looking around.

"to save you, jackass" Haruna replied already feeling irritated by the boy.

"I don't need your help," he said.

"I don't care. I just got Ruka to trust me and go to sleep and you managed to get kidnapped. He'll never trust me again."

"Wait how did you get inside the hospital," Sumire asked.

"stop, we need to think of a way to get out of here!" reminded Mikan.

"Where are we?" Natsume asked

"I assume we are in the port since it smells like the sea" Permy answered. "they also said a ship would pick you up at 2 am."

"Mikan, what are those pandas on your ears?" Haruna asked noticing the earmuffs Mikan had on.

"these are the spy communicators Hotaru gave me" they all looked at Mikan "I can speak directly with her that way...oh"

"Yeah. Oh" Haruna said. They established a connection with the academy and received specific instructions from Narumi and Jinno.

They couldn't reveal their Alice's, and they had to pretend they were asleep until they got there.

"Also" Narumi added, "don't listen to his voice he'll-"

"So these were communicating devices all along," Reo said taking them from Mikan.

"Well, there goes the pretending to be asleep" Haruna mumbled.

"What is your Alice" He asked. Permy was about to answer when Mikan covered her mouth.

The twins resisted without a problem

"Well since you won't talk..." Reo said with a smile as he approached Natsume. "We know you hate the academy as much as us if not more. We want you to join us. We are an organization that fights against the academy. And you would be very useful to us."

Natsume was slowly falling into Reo's Alice, Haruna frowned.

"Would you stop?" she said, her voice filled with anger"He might not look like it but he's 10. Are you seriously going to put the weight of a cause that he has nothing to do with on the shoulders of a child? You are very selfish."

Natsume came back to his senses as Haruna's interruption had nullified the effect of Reo's Alice.

"You sure are a brave one, aren't you," He said, "go back to sleep."

"No." she said "people like you make me sick. Just putting children to do your dirty work."

"You have the nullification Alice!"

"Fuck" Haruna mumbled "No I don't. I'm deaf, I'm just good at reading lips."

"Yeah, right. don't you know they are doing the same thing to him in the academy?" one of the other men talked. "We at least have an objective"

"do you really call yourselves enemies of the academy? You said you were better than them" she said, getting angrier by the second "but you are exactly the same kind of trash they are."

"Are you trying to make us angry, girl?" the man next to Reo said.

"Are you trying to make me angry?" she replied seriously. The man stepped forward and it looked like he was going to hit her, but he was stopped by Reo.

"I remind you she's a former member of the blade," he said "You might want to consider not provoking her, she could be dangerous. My Alice doesn't have an effect on her either"

"Oh please, what's a tiny little girl going to do." come and find out she thought as he stepped forward again. He took a knife out. Natsume and Mikan looked at him, he was about to get up and start a fight when something unexpected happened.

Haruna got up in a millisecond with her hands-free. She stopped the knife that was being thrown at her with her arm. It started bleeding and Mikan screamed.

"That almost hurt," Haruna said. Making Natsume look at her surprised as Mikan stopped shouting. The grey-eyed took the knife out of her arm, which healed immediately "there goes keeping the Alices a secret." she mumbled. She pointed the knife at Reo's neck "I can tell you are more valuable for that organization of yours than these two."

Reo under pressure tried to use his Alice to the maximum. It couldn't be that difficult to overpower a 10-year-old "DROP THE KNIFE" And so she did, reluctantly.

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