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"What the- I thought I was being attacked..." Haruna had found the room empty and with the lights off, making her think she was alone, so when everyone jumped shouting at her and suddenly turning the lights on she almost died of a heart attack.

She got to know everybody. Haruna, like Mikan, immediately felt a great connection to Tsubasa. She was happy there was a part of the academy that wasn't completely hostile.

"Alright, you guys know the festival is in two weeks. The RPG idea is great but we need to put Haru-chan somewhere" Misaki said. "Since her and Mikan have the same Alice, I think they should be together."

"Ooh, that could work!" Tsubasa said happily "The nullifying twins! They also kind of look alike so it would work."

"Now that you say so they do look alike," Misaki said looking at the girls. "Hey, Tsukimi-san. Do you think they could be related?"

"It's possible" A blonde boy came forth "we could discover it if you want"

"Tsukimi here can know everyone's origins by doing a weird ritual" Tsubasa explained, "so if you are distant cousins or something like that, he would know."

"It's not a 'weird ritual' Tsubasa, I just need to taste their blood." Tsukimi said proud.

"That's awesome!"

"That's creepy..." both Mikan and Haruna talked at the same time, the first girl being a little louder.

"Haru-chan! Let's try! It'd be awesome if we are actually related!" Haruna wanted to say no but it didn't matter. She ended up in a room with Tsukimi and Mikan.

"How are you planning to take our blood?" she said slightly worried at her regeneration Alice being discovered.

"I'll use a needle, of course," Tsukimi answered, preparing said gadget. Haruna sighed relieved.

Tsukimi didn't take long, in five minutes he had a bit of blood from the two girls.

Mikan and Haruna waited with the others while Tsukimi did his weird ritual as Tsubasa said.

He came out after a few minutes.

"You guys might want to sit down," He said. He looked really surprised. "Before saying anything, this is something that can't be told. It has to be a secret between us."

The only ones in the place where Tsubasa, Misaki, Mikan, Haruna and Tsukimi himself since the rest had to leave to their classes. They all agreed in keeping the results a secret.

"you two are related. Really close relatives in fact." Mikan and Haruna both glanced at each other "you two... are twins."

"I'm sorry what?" Haruna mumbled, after a few seconds of absolute silence, trying to process the information.

"No way!" Tsubasa said stunned.

"I can't believe it..." Mikan said "I HAVE A SISTER? I AM SO HAPPY!"

"What do you mean twins?" said Misaki "they do look alike but not that much."

"Twins don't have to be identical," said Tsukimi.

"Yeah" Tsubasa agreed "besides if you grab Haruna's hair, you straighten it and part her bangs she's Mikan 2.0 but with grey eyes and blonde hair"

"But... There's no way..." Haruna said "why would our mum abandon us with two different people? It makes no sense at all"

"I'm sure there's a logical explanation," Tsukimi said, "We should ask Nodacchi when we see him."

"Who's Nodacchi?" Haruna asked

"That's the teacher in charge of the special ability class. He's not around much" Misaki answered.

"You look disappointed," Mikan said softly.

"I'm not, I promise! I'm sorry if it looked like it, I just don't know what to do of this information." Haruna said "How am I supposed to react? I'm happy, of course, but I'm mainly confused."

Everyone sat there in silence, both Tsukimi and Tsubasa understanding of Haruna's feelings while Mikan was just as confused as her.

"I... I think I need some time alone to sort things out by myself" Haruna said, breaking the silence and taking her leave "Excuse me..."

The Yukihira twins - Gakuen Alice - Where stories live. Discover now