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"You, like the dumbass over there, came here on your own will. You don't even know what you got yourself into, and you probably don't even have an actual reason" he said glaring at her and pointing at Mikan. "and that makes you stupid, stupid."

"Hey fuck you." everyone looked at her since it had come off a little louder than intended. "I do have a reason. I was running from someone that won't be able to reach me here. Don't just assume people's intentions. Stupid. Mikan, what was your reason to come here?"

"Hotaru." she pointed at the girl next to her, who sighed "she was my friend and she left and I missed her so I came here to see her and Narumi-sensei discovered I have an Alice."

At first Haruna didn't know how to react. That actually was a kind of stupid reason for Mikan to endanger herself. But feeling Natsume's victory stare she did her best to see the intention behind her act, and saw that it was quite beautiful.
Her expression softened and she gave her a little smile.

"That is a perfectly valid reason, Mikan. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." the twin tails girl blushed, and so did Ruka. "Hotaru, is it? What's your alice?"

"Hotaru's Alice is amazing! She is an inventor and can do anything" Mikan jumped before Hotaru could answer. "Oh and Ruka-pyon's is also super great. He can talk with animals!"

"That's very interesting" Haruna said looking at Ruka, then she chuckled. "and Ruka-pyon is actually quite fitting as well."

"It's actually the animal pheromone Alice." Ruka said looking away "It works like Narumi-sensei's but with animals"

"Haruna-San" a boy said making her look away "you just said you were running from someone?"

"The blade! She says" a boy spoke making her look at him with a death stare "Its apparently an organization that had her captive for years and tortured and experimented on her" the boy was suddenly serious since he didn't expect such a dark story.

Everyone looked at Haruna who just looked down. She didn't think that there would be a mind reader in her class.

"would you mind not saying aloud all my thoughts please" she said softly without staring at the boy. She sounded really hurt making the mind reader step back.

"I... I'm sorry" he said. He looked scared. He probably had seen some of the things the Blade put Haruna through. The class fell into an awkward silence, until a teacher came.


"Are you sleeping in my class new girl?" The man said, he looked and sounded angry.

"I'm not. Been awake the whole time." she said calmly. It was true, she was completely awake, but a bit distracted.

"What have you been scribbling in that notebook?" he said taking the notebook from her. It was the math teacher and he had been explaining something she didn't really understand so she thought of a problem that would apply what the man was teaching and asked Ruka to help her solve it. She explained that, hoping the man would unterstand. "If you don't understand something you ask me. Don't distract the other students."

"s-sorry sensei..." She said a little scared of the man.

"That's Jinno-sensei. You really have to be carefull with that teacher, Haru-chan. He was the one who gave me a no-star rank. He also zaps people with his lightning when he's angry. He can get really scary." Haruna looked confused. "he has the alice of lightning"

"In this academy students are ranked based on their ability" Hotaru said, answering what actually made Haruna look confused. "Ranks go from, now that Mikan is here, no stars to special star. Going through one, two and three stars."

"That seems very hypocritical. But I guess it does make sense" Haruna said softly. "I guess I haven't been ranked yet?"

"You'll probably get a no-star like that idiot." Natsume said not looking at her.

"Oh shut up you big Moron" she answered in a whisper.

Mikan laughed at Natsume's face and, due to her loud cackle, she got zapped by the teacher.

"I also hear you talking new girl. If I catch you again the consequences will be severe" that being said, Jinno-sensei finished his class and left.

"Ok, he is scary." Haruna said. Both Mikan and Ruka nodded. "Mikan, has the class been treating you this bad since you got here?"

"It was worst at the beginning, but I organized a dodgeball match and it's been improving." She said with a smile. "It was Tsubasa-senpai's idea"

"Yeah... I have no idea who that is" Haruna said with a chuckle.

"He is in the special hability class with me. He is the best senpai ever, and since you and I both have the same Alice you will probably be his kouhai as well"

"that sounds great" the silver eyed girl said with a smile.


It was time for the Alice training classes. Like Mikan predicted, Haruna was in the special hability class with her. Ruka had already explained the different classes to her so she wasn't that lost.

"Mikan, did you know there's a new girl coming to the special hability class?" Tsubasa approached the girl with twin tails happily.

"Yeah! She's in my class, and she also has the same alice I have!" She said jumping around. "she is really smart, and she grabbed a can mid air, and she made Permy shut up and..."

"alright, alright we get it. She's great" Misaki said with a smile "where is she though?"

"she was called to be star ranked" she said "I hope she doesn't get no stars"


"as you know, you have been called here to be ranked, Haru-chan. But we also have a few questions for you" Narumi said. Jinno, Misaki and a few other teachers were with him. Haruna nodded. "First, how did you get in?"

"I asked the guard in the front door and he opened it for me." She said innocently.

"then do you mind explaining why he was found unconscious and didn't remember anything about letting you in?" Misaki said serious.

"Well, I kind of was being chased. That's why I came here on my own. And he was taking too  long to get me to a safe place so I kind of knocked him out" she said trying her best to not be discovered. She wouldn't tell them about the few gadgets she had since they probably would take them away from her. "He might have a bit of amnesia after the hit, and that's why he doesn't remember me."

"How did you manage to take out a Man that weights twelve times your own weight?" Narumi said, actually curious "do you have a super strength alice?"

"My knowledge about fighting and marcial arts aren't due to an Alice. I was raised in a dojo so I've been trained in hand to hand combat since I was very young." She said calmly, trying to avoid the mention of her regeneration or the blade.

"earlier in class. There was a mention of an organization called the blade. What can you tell us about that?" Jinno stepped in.

"the only thing I can say is that they were the ones I was running from" Haruna didn't startle, but she was clearly uncomfortable and wanted to leave. Luckily they didn't bring out anything about her mentioning her second alice.

"Who are your parents? " was the last question asked.

"I never met my parents. I was found as a baby, alone in the snow with almost a year of age. The master of the dojo found me and she raised me as her own." she said reluctantly. It was the only answer she didn't have to think through carefully. She really didn't know a thing about her parents.

"Very well then. You, for the moment, have a ranking of one star. Be aware that since someone with your exact same alice is a no star, your ranking is quite endangered." Jinno said serious "I hope that your ranking will only increase."

After nodding she left the place, knowing where she had to go to meet the special ability class.

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