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Everyone stared at Haruna, who felt very exposed after saying that.

"I already knew" Said Kokoroyomi, who was the one saying her thoughts aloud when she was waking up.

" 'Course you did," She said with a chuckle.

"Well with that piece of information..." Narumi took something from his pocket and gave it to the sisters. It was two golden stars "You both rank up one star. Haru-chan is now a two stars, and Mikan-chan, you are no more a no star."

Mikan started jumping around, she wasn't a no-star anymore.

Haruna looked at Ruka.

"Can I go see Natsume?" she said.

"Y-Yes... Come with me."He said. The entire group ended up going to see the boy.

He laid unconscious in the hospital bed. The twins approached him.

"Ah, what a shame." Mikan said breaking the silence "I really wanted to show him my star."

Haruna chuckled. Hotaru noticed how deep her gaze to the boy felt. Probably not even the blonde girl realized, but Imai could tell, a special bond had been established between the fire caster and the nullifier.


Haruna went to the special ability class to find Mikan on the lap of a man she knew nothing about.

"Who's this guy," she said raising a brow, making herself noticeable "He looks shady."

Misaki laughed. "This is Nodacchi, Haru-chan. He's the teacher in charge of the special ability class."

"Oh...OH" She said realizing and blushing right after "I'm sorry sensei... I didn't mean to be rude..."

"Don't worry. I get that a lot" he said softly, Haruna looked at Misaki, who shrugged. "Come, Haru-chan. Mikan has told me a lot about you. I was eager to meet you"

"What did she tell you exactly," she said forcing a laugh as she approached the man.

"I know that you are twins. Sadly, I cannot tell you who your parents are, nor what the reason is behind you two growing separately" He said, Haruna frowned confused "That's not how my Alice works."

"Well then... I was actually going to ask who was born first" Haruna joked "Or when were we born, because every year I've had my birthday in November fifth, since that's when my grandma found me, but I have no idea of when my real birthday is."

"It's January 1st" Both Mikan and Tsukimi spoke at the same time.

"Ok, or what's the name my mother gave me," she said dumbfounded "because Haruna was my grandma's choosing."

"Your real name huh?" Tsukimi said, "I don't know that."

"I never thought about this" Tsubasa said "but it does make sense that you were given a different name when you were born"

"If I ever find out, I'll tell you," Noda said. "for now, would you like to train with your Alice a little bit?"


The twins quickly showed great potential with their nullifying Alices, even though Mikan's was much greater.

What was clear was that Haruna's strength was regeneration. But they were able to make a save area in which people's Alices were nullified. Mikan's was bigger though.

"It's normal, Haru-chan," Noda said when he saw the blonde a bit sad about her not being as strong as her sister "You know, when you have an Alice it's common for it to be either purely reflex linked, or emotions linked. You already have an Alice which is reflex linked, as in its automatic. That's your regeneration, you don't even have to concentrate to heal do you?" Haruna nodded" It just happens. Since you're more used to have the regeneration automatized you probably find it harder to get used to another Alice."

Haruna sighed. She would have to work harder.


The festival was almost there, and Haruna and Hotaru had been asked to prepare some of the areas. The two of them bonded quite a lot by doing that, they learned a lot about each other and discovered that together they made a great team.

Everyone was surprised to see how close those two became in a span of one afternoon, but Hotaru looked extremely comfortable around Haruna. Not that she wasn't with Mikan, but Haruna really understood her better, and she was also constantly giving her ideas for new inventions. They also had a really similar sense of humour.

Mikan was delighted since the two most important people in her life really seemed to get along. The three of them became practically inseparable, and they trusted each other blindly, which was hard for Haruna, since she had been taught to trust no-one since she was very young.

Her and Hotaru also were constantly looking after Mikan, since she kept getting in trouble.

The Yukihira twins - Gakuen Alice - Where stories live. Discover now