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Haruna had decided to go take a walk around the academy but she changed her mind when she saw Ruka, Sumire and the rest of Natsume's gang without Natsume being around.

"Hey guys, why the sulky faces?" Haruna approached them. "what happened?"

"What do You care, no-star" Sumire answered suddenly, breaking the sad aura they had around them.

"Woah chill Permy," she said cheekily, ignoring the no-star nickname, since it was inaccurate. "Is everything alright? Where's Natsume?"

"He was taken to the hospital... He collapsed" Ruka said. He looked the most concerned by far. "Again."

"What do you mean again? Does he have a medical condition or something like that?" Haruna asked, slightly more preoccupied.

"It's because he goes to so many missions," one of the guys said. Haruna couldn't remember his name. "The principal is constantly using him to go in dangerous missions and his body can't take it."

"The principal is sending children into dangerous missions? I knew this place was shady but I wasn't expecting that" Haruna said worried.

"Anyways, Ruka-kun and I got a special permission to visit him." Permy said, it sounded like she was bragging. "since we're both the closest to Natsume-kun"

"I think Ruka-Pyon should go alone," Haruna said simply. "I mean, no offence, but Natsume needs to relax, and you won't exactly help with that, Permy."

"WOULD YOU STOP CALLING ME PERMY" She jumped, surprising everyone. "all Natsume needs is my loving aura to get better right now"

Everyone looked at her dead-panned.

"I think Haru-chan should go," said the Kokoriyomi "She knows better what it's to be like in Natsume's situation than you."

°Dude can you not° she thought when she felt everyone's stares in her. Luckily Permy defused all the attention by hitting him in the head.

Sumire started running after the mind reader and soon enough Ruka and Haruna were left alone.

"Are you alright, Ruka?" Haruna decided to ask "you look sleepless to say the least."

"What do you mean, Shibuya?" he answered surprised by the sudden comment.

"I know you care a lot about him." She said with a soft smile "and he cares a lot about you too. I can tell."

"y-yeah..." he said shiftily.

"But try not to overthink it too much" He stared at her "Natsume is a strong kid. With you by his side, he'll get better and back to his annoying self in no time. Try not to worry too much ok? I'm here if you need anything."

Haruna turned around to find a furiously blushing Ruka staring at her.

"did I say something?" She said, confused at the sight of him.

"N-no," he said looking away "um... See you around Shibuya."

"Hey, call me Haruna."


The girl chuckled as she watched the blonde boy run away. She went back to thinking about Mikan being her sister.

She really liked the idea of having a sister, however, she was afraid the blade would try to get her.

As happy as she was about it, having a twin only meant a new way for the blade to blackmail her.

"I guess as long as no one knows it'll be fine" she mumbled to herself.

She had decided she would invite Mikan to sleep in her room, so they could bond a little.

She was heading back to her dorm to tidy it all up for her new friend and sister when she started hearing screams.

"I can't believe Reo-sama is coming" they were middle schoolers. "tomorrow is going to be the best day ever."

Haruna reached her room with the words of those girls in mind.

She was also worried about Natsume.

She had so much in her mind it took her three times more effort to tidy up.

It was Dinner time and Sumire was bragging once again about being able to visit Natsume.

"Mikan" the girl looked at her sister with a glow on her eyes "Can we talk?"

She nodded and they both went to get their food together.

"How are you taking the news?" Haruna asked with a smile.

"I honestly don't know. I'm really happy" Mikan said softly "I'd love to know more about you as well."

"yeah me too" Haruna smiled and looked at her "How about you sleepover at my room?"

"That sounds great!" Mikan said excited. "I'd love to know everything about you"

"Great" she smiled softly "I can't wait. Remember this is our little secret though, don't tell anyone."

"UM... Yeah uh... I kind of told Hotaru already" Mikan shrieked.

"Alright..." Haruna sighed "Well, Hotaru looks like she can keep a secret... Hopefully... I'll have a chat with her later just in case."


Hotaru was awfully receptive. Haruna didn't expect that at all. She agreed to keep it a secret, but in exchange asked for entrance in the sister club and made the girl promise she would be able to join them in their next sleepover.

Of course, Haruna couldn't say no to that.

It was time for the sleepover, and Mikan knocked softly on her sister's door, afraid and anxious since she really wanted everything to go well.

They talked all night. About everything and anything, they didn't have much in common, however they bonded easily, Haruna found Mikan very easy to be around, and by the end of the night, they actually felt like true sisters.

They were about to fall asleep when Mikan popped out an unexpected question.



"you said you had a second Alice" she said, "what is it?"

"It's... Regeneration" She said softly after considering for a few minutes if she should tell her "but don't tell anyone."

Mikan was already asleep. Haruna scoffed and fell asleep as well.


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