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The sunlight that shone through the thin curtains of the room brushed gently on the girls' eyes, waking them up.

"Ah! Reo-sama is coming today!" Mikan exclaimed jumping out of bed.

"You know that guy too?" Haruna said, still half asleep. Hotaru hadn't woken up yet "is he really that much of a big deal? Why haven't I ever heard of him?"

"Oh, I haven't either," Mikan said, already energetic as always. "But Anna said he was a Hollywood star and I really don't wanna miss out on him. That's why Hotaru wants his picture. She thinks she can get some money out of it."

"Ah yes, the plan," Haruna said with a sweatdrop going down her forehead.

"Yeah! Wanna join?" Mikan asked as she got ready.

"Um... Not really" Her sister answered sincerely, finally getting out of bed after a long stretch. "But you guys go have fun. I'm going to try and sneak in the hospital to check on Natsume."

"Oh right, He got sent to the hospital again two days ago didn't he?" Haruna nodded "That explains why the class was so calm. Why would you want to see him though?"

"I want to know more about his condition. I'm his partner now after all." Haruna answered, getting dressed "and in the mean-time, see if I can help Ruka with something."

The sisters went to have breakfast. They sat on with Hotaru, the class rep and the rest.

"Sumire is back at it again" Nonoko whispered as she heard the girl bragging about how was Natsume's significant other and how she was the only one allowed to see him aside from Ruka.

"Can't you just tell us how he is?" Haruna snapped suddenly, with an irritated look on her face "some of us don't give a damn about whatever you told the teachers and are actually worried about him. So since you're SO privileged how about you make yourself useful."

Everyone, including the teachers, were looking at the pair of girls. Narumi was trying to hide a smile, failing graciously at it.

Ruka, who would be the one separating them, was nowhere near, so everyone feared a fight was about to start.

"He-he's alright... He's getting better already, b-but he's still weak." Sumire surprised everyone, even Haruna and herself, with that answer. Haruna's words had caught her off-guard so she was only able to respond with that. Everyone sighed with relief, maybe, a tad too early "Why do you care so much anyway, idiot? I remind you that he's mine and that you don't deserve him. I don't care if he's your partner"

"and I remind you that he is not an object." Haruna said calmly, with a raised brow "and, mind you, it's him that doesn't deserve me. Not the other way around."

"Yeah, tell her!" Misaki-sensei whispered softly so only Narumi would hear. The blonde teacher busted out laughing making everyone look at him and automatically cutting the fight.

Haruna knew Ruka had spent the whole day taking care of Natsume and was worried about him.

Everyone was hoarded in the entrance waiting for Reo to get there, so there wouldn't be a better moment.

She entered the hospital. She normally would've been stopped by a guard but they were all handling the kids at the entrance. Haruna was stopped by a nurse instead.

"Do you have permission to be here?" she said rudely.

"No, but my classmate, Ruka Nogi, has been missing all day and they asked me to come and see if he was here," she said with the most innocent voice she could put. Ironically, she sounded like Mikan. "I brought him some food since he hasn't eaten all day. He's probably with Natsume Hyuuga"

The Yukihira twins - Gakuen Alice - Where stories live. Discover now