Our Way

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I stood there. Looking at the Leviathan not knowing what to do. I glanced at the Mech which was still stuck.

Cordovin: This is your fault! Do you hear me?!

Yang: Ruby!

Yang Xiao Long and Blake Belladonna can be seen running out of the forest to rejoin the group.

Ruby: Yang! Blake! Are you okay?

I looked back at them. They ran up to us.

Yang and Blake notice the disabled mech.

Blake: What happened?

The group then hears the Leviathan roaring.

Yang: Was that a giant Grimm?

Amber: We destroyed the one thing that could take down that Grimm...

The group wastes no time boarding the aircraft. It begins to fly away. I watched in pity as Cordovin continues to struggle to move the mech. Cordovin herself yells out in anger.

Cordovin: This is your fault!! YOUR FAULT!!! This is... (gives up)... your fault... (looks down sadly)

Blake: I'm so sorry...

Yang: Don't be. This isn't on you.

Blake: But--

Y/N: We're all safe...that's what matters...

Blake looks at me nodding. Emily looks out the ship looking at the Leviathan as we were flying away.

Maria: I suppose I have to be the bad guy and say it, getting the lamp to Atlas is still our top priority, and right now we have the perfect opportunity to head straight for it. We may not get another chance like this.

Yang: No way!

Weiss: We can't leave, not like this.

Blake: It's like you said, a Huntsman and Huntress is supposed to protect others to the bitter end.

Maria looks to me, who just shrugs and smiles. Maria smiles back and continues to fly.

Y/N: We're heading for the Leviathan. Jaune, can you and Ren be ready to mask our ship?

Ren: I think we can manage.

Jaune: Got a few ideas?

Ruby: I've got one.

Qrow: Eyes up, everybody. It's back.

The Leviathan swims for a bit before resurfacing above the water, letting out a terrifying roar.
Manta Three-Four: Argus Base, this is Manta 3-4! Leviathan has hit the shallows and resurfaced! We need those shields up now, over!

From the city, a large crowd gathers as they look out to the ocean with concern. Terra Cotta-Arc is seen making her way through the crowd, eventually reuniting with her wife Saphron and their son Adrian, before looking out to the ocean again in concern. As the Leviathan approaches Argus, a hard-light Dust barrier is erected, halting its progress.

A pair of Manta aircraft are seen firing shots at the Leviathan. Suddenly, the Leviathan unleashes an energy beam attack from its mouth. It shifts the beam over to one of the poles powering the hard-light Dust barrier, destroying it. The Leviathan roars.

Oscar: It tore straight through...!

Air Control: All squadrons, fall back to evacuation procedures. Disengage Leviathan! I repeat, disengage! Over!

Y/N: No, wait!

I ran to the radio.

Mina: Y/N!

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