Chapter 13 ♡

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"Vanessa!-I'm going with Zeke!" I frown when jade shouts on my ears when I'm beside her. I nodded. She waved and run away with Zeke.

"Yay!, we can go together. Oh and also we can eat a lot of foods together" Lewis jumped up and down clapping his hands. I chuckle at his actions. He seems serious but he's a freaking insane and weird person.

"Marin get in the car" Matt demand. Since when did he start driving me?.

"No, we have a deal. I'm dating her from now on" Lewis said and hugged tight my shoulders.

What the-?.

"Lewis" Matt warned by his eyes. They both stare at one another as If they're having a mental conversation.

"Okay, you can take her," Lewis said tucking his hands in his pockets, "Have fun, but not too much" his lips frown at the last words. I chortled.

Matt rolled his eyes and opened the door for me. I thanked him but he just scoffs and murmurs something.


We arrived at the lake place but he's walking the other way.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Keep walking," he said and starts walking faster.

For what felt like a minute but an hour for me, we still are walking. He's walking faster and I followed behind.

Oh God, what kind of legs does he have?.

We stood in front of some wooden small house. He unlocked it and gets in. 

Hesitating, I hop in that small house. I start marvelling at that small house within a second. It has everything. Big comfy mattress, simple closet...everything.The mattress is covered by a black bedspread and black pillowcase. There are a few clothes that fall all over the floor. Black Jeans and black shirts.

Matt glances all over and jumped on that big bouncy comfy mattress.

Why did I come here for?.

I shrugged and a huge smile spread on my face when I take a look at the fridge.

"Woah-" I was pulled down and I flopped on the bouncy mattress.

"What are you doing?" I was gonna yell but I whispered instead.

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