Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Hey!" My ears told me that someone was behind me, but I couldn't bring myself to turn around. A second later, a firm hand was resting on my shoulder, making me jump in shock. Tyler. Only Tyler.

"Hello.." I muttered, forgetting what I was going to say the second the first word escaped my lips. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tyler sitting next to me, brows scrunched together in confusion and concern. Normally, that would have at least made me turn around or smile or something, but I just couldn't bring myself to care today.

"Are you okay?" he asked a moment later, all the happiness drained from his voice. I turned around to face him, wanting to make myself feel something. Anything. No emotions came though, leaving me staring at Tyler's face with an expression of death, as if there was only a blank space next to me.

"Troye?" I heard my name a second later. Or maybe it was hours later, I didn't know. What caught my attention was that it was a girl's voice speaking to me now, making me immediately face the person opposite me, concern flooding in her brown eyes.

"What happened?" Bethany whispered, making it sound like an intimate thing to say when it was something much worse. Curiosity. Concern. Things I couldn't deal with right now.

It's true, I have noticed that Beth has been pretty involved in my life lately, which was becoming to be very annoying. However, she still was one of my best friends, and I never had any intention to hurt her. Had it been someone else, they would already be on the floor with a bruised face. But I cared for her too much. And also it was kind of cute when she tried to flirt with me. If only she knew I was completely and undeniably gay.

"Just.. everything." I said, not planning to elaborate at all after that. No matter how hard either of them tried, they couldn't pull out a single word out of me after that.

I stood up suddenly, making my friends jump in their chairs as they looked up at me. I didn't say another word to them though, sprinting to my destination as fast as my feel could carry me. In a matter of minutes, I stood facing the door of the old toilets at the very top floor, the ones that were last used about fifty years ago. I knocked on the door, two knocks followed by three and ending in one.

Immediately, the door flew open, exposing the girl in the black hoodie, the hood covering her face completely. I stepped inside without a second thought, the door clicking back into place behind me. The girl then took the hood off, giving me a huge smile as she looked up at me.

"I can't do it anymore." The sentence burst out of my mouth before I could stop it, regretting it straight away when the smile disappeared, replaced by an annoyed expression.

"What do you mean?" Tanya yelled, making me flinch at the loud noise.

"I can't do it anymore," I repeated, my hands balling into fists by my sides. "They're controlling me, they're taking over my brain."

"Stop them then." She rolled her eyes up at me, guilt washing all over me.

"I can't."

"What do you mean?" She asked again, clearly confused by my response. I sighed, hating to say the truth but knowing I couldn't lie. There's just too much at stake.

"They're getting stronger. They are taking over my brain." I swallowed nervously, begging for my uncontrollable brain to keep quiet right now.

"How are they?" Tanya's confused expression turned into one of worry. Her eyes bore into my soul silently, taking her only a second to figure out what was wrong. "What did they make you do?"

I kept completely still, my eyes concentrating on a ray of light in the distance just over her shoulder. I felt her gentle hands on my arms then, making me face her.

"What did they make you do?" She repeated, using a soft but demanding voice.

I swallowed nervously, trying to get rid of the massive lump in my throat. It stayed there though, as if warning me not to tell what I've done. But I knew I had to. Tanya was the only person that knew who was behind all of this, and we couldn't just let something this important slide past us.

"I-I killed Tom."


Heyyyyyy, it me. Sorry this is a bit late, only realised it was Friday like half an hour ago so.. yeah.

Hope you enjoyed this very confusing chapter, I had a new idea of the storyline and I promise I will explain it as the story goes along.

-Love, Laura 🙊

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