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"Mommy come play with me!" A blonde boy smiled at his mother looking at her with his bright emerald eyes. "In a minute Adrien, mommy has to go speak to daddy quickly.." His mother walked away fast. Shouting was heard from downstairs Adrien covered his eyes and cried himself to sleep.

When he woke a letter was lying besides him. He picked it up and read it

My dearest Adrien,

By the time you read this I will be gone. I'm so sorry I left you my darling..

I could not stand living with your Father anymore.. So I had to do what was best for you and leave..

Be good for your Father my little kitty and promise me something..

No matter what happens from this point onward, always remember to stay positive and be yourself! You are strong and you are worthy and some day you will find someone you love so much it's hurts and that someone will love you back that exact same way! I love you so much Adrien never forget that!

Your Mother,

Emilie Agreste

The letter dropped to the ground, Adrien curled up. His knees reached to his chin, tears filled his eyes and he cried himself to sleep.

-A few years later-

(Adrien POV)

I stood in the bathroom staring at the mirror. I gave myself the same pep talk I had since my mother left all those years ago.. "You are strong and you are worthy!" I told myself. I covered the bruises up on my face with makeup hoping they wouldn't show. I breathed in and out readying myself for the day. I was exited to be starting a new year at school. A day to get away from hell also know as 'home'. It was one more year until college and then I would get out of this house and as far away from my father as I could. I changed into a black hoodie with a yellow, green and purple stripes, the sleeves covered the bruises littered across my arm and body. Underneath the hoodie I wore a plain black t-shirt. I pulled my blue denim jeans on and put my orange high top trainers on. I sighed and got my school bag making sure Plagg was in my bag. I grabbed plenty of Camembert from the cupboard in case of an akuma attack.

I walked out of the room and passed Natalie "I'm going to school" I informed her. She looked up from her desk and nodded before carrying on working. How my father still had his assistant I didn't know? He treats everyone like crap.. Including his own son. He hadn't been the same since my mother left.. He drowned his sorrows in alcohol and his work. As a way to cope he took his anger and frustration out on me.. I sighed and walked in the direction of school. 

I finally reached the school and put on a fake smile. Nino saw me walking over and waved "Hey man!" He called across the playground. I walked over and he fist bumped my fist. I flinched slightly but he didn't seem to notice. "Hey man, how was your summer?" I asked. "Amazing! I asked Alya out on a date and well I'm no longer single man!" Nino cheered "How was your summer dude?" He asked. I hesitated before telling him, my summer was filled with battling akuma attacks, being beaten by my father and being told I'm worthless. "It wasn't that interesting" I lied. Alya walked over to us and pecked Nino's cheek with a kiss. "Hey Adrien" She turned at waved to me. "Hey Alya" I smiled. "Have you guys seen Marinette? She can't possibly be late on the first day!" Alya tutted. "Sorry dudette we haven't" Nino replied. 

The bell rang and all three of us walked to class. When we reached the classroom we sat down in our usual seats. "Welcome back class it's so lovely to see you all again. I hope you had a good summer" Madame Bustier smiled. Great summer full of beatings. "Now before we start the class I'm going to do the regis-" Madame Bustier was cut off from a bang. 

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