Chapter 2

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(Adrien POV)

I walked onto the school grounds with my best fake smile on. Chloe rushed up too me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I jumped and tried to push her off "Chloe get off me please.." I asked feeling slightly uncomfortable that she was so close. "Chloe get off him!" A voice asked. I turned too face the voice and saw Marinette stood there her arms folded. "And why should I?" Chloe stared at Marinette glaring at her. "Because he is clearly uncomfortable?" Marinette raised her eyebrow indicating to me. "Ugh whatever Mari-trash" Chloe walked away flipping her blonde ponytail. I let out a breath "Thank you Marinette" I smiled. "N-No A-Adrien problem" She stuttered blushing "I-I mean no problem Adrien!" She quickly said. I looked at her slightly confused but laughed a little slightly. "We should head to class.." I mumbled and started in the direction of class hoping Marinette was following me. I felt a hand grab my right hand. A tiny cry of pain escaped my mouth, I felt my eyes fill with tears threatening to fall. 

I turned around to see Marinette holding my wrist. I tried so hard not too cry from the pain. "Adrien are you okay?" She asked worry in her eyes "You don't seem like yourself at the moment?". Someone is asking me if I'm okay! She saw behind the mask! Someone cares enough to ask if I'm okay! Do I tell her what's really wrong? No.. She could tell someone.. Father will go to jail and I will end up in foster care probably somewhere far away from Paris.. "I'm fine Marinette, just a bit tired at the moment.." I lied. She probably wouldn't really care anyway..

(Marinette's POV) 

I looked at Adrien "Okay as long as that's it.." I replied "As long as you are okay" I gave Adrien a smile. He didn't seem like himself at the moment and it worried me.. especially when I heard a cry of pain when I grabbed his wrist earlier.. I wonder if everything is okay at his house?.. "We should get to class.." Adrien said bringing me out my thought train. I nodded "We don't want to be late". I followed after Adrien and walked to class. 

I walked through the door and sat down in my seat. Madame Bustier started the class, I tried to concentrate but my mind kept going back to a few minutes earlier.. Adrien was clearly in pain and he looked like he was about to cry when he turned around.. I wonder what is going on?.. I thought of every possible reason why he could be upset? His Father maybe isn't being as caring? It's the anniversary of his mother's disappearance? He was rejected by someone? I couldn't think of any reasons that fit why he let out a cry of pain when I grabbed his wrist.. Should I ask him? I thought.

Class finished and I ran to catch up to Adrien "Adrien wait!" I shouted to get his attention. A bang went off and I turned around and saw an akuma standing on the school rooftop. I can wait to ask Adrien after right now Paris needed Ladybug. I ran into the bathroom and Tikki flew out of my purse "Time to transform!" I said to Tikki "Tikki spots on!" I transformed into my alter ego and jumped onto the rooftop.

(Adrien's POV) 

I heard someone shout my name, just as I was about to turn around I heard a bang. An akuma was standing on top of the school building. Students and Teachers were running around trying to find a hiding spot. I slowly crept into the locker room and transformed. 

I jumped onto the rooftop and saw Ladybug already in battle with the akumatised victim "Sorry I'm late" I said readying my staff to fight. "Don't worry about it" Ladybug replied blocking the blasts coming from the akuma. "Give me your miraculouses!" the akuma shouted. "Not a chance!" I replied. "Ugh stupid alley cat!" the akuma threw a blast at me. I tried to dodge the blast but instead got thrown into a wall. I hit the wall with a thump and tried to get up but failed. Normally I can take a few blasts from akumas but I was still sore from yesterday. Ladybug rushed over "Are you okay?" She asked and helped me up whilst using her yo-yo as a shield. I leaned against Ladybug and stood back up. "Y-Yeah just caught me off guard" I mumbled "I'm fine don't worry, we have an akuma to defeat.."

-After the akuma battle-

(Marinette's POV) 

I released the butterfly from my yo-yo and waved "Bye bye little butterfly" I threw the lucky charm up in the air and little ladybugs cleansed the damage done. I turned to Chat Noir and we fist bumped "Pound it!" I smiled. He was about to jump away when I grabbed his wrist. He yelped in pain. "Are you okay today kitty, you seem distant?" I asked. He turned around "I'm fine Ladybug, just a bit tired at the moment.." He rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably "I need to go I'm about to detransform back.." I nodded "Bye kitty.." I waved.

I readied my yo-yo and swung back home. I landed on my bed and got a cookie for Tikki. I handed her the cookie and sat down on my desk chair. "Are okay Marinette?" She asked. I sighed "Both Adrien and Chat Noir don't seem themselves recently.. Especially today.." I told Tikki "Both of the cried from pain when I grabbed their wrists.. I'm worried about them..". Tikki smiled at me "They will probably tell you what is wrong with them when they are both ready Marinette" She reassured me. I smiled "Thanks Tikki". I swivelled in the chair and got out my homework and sat at my desk until it was completed.

(Adrien's POV)

I vaulted home and detransformed before creeping through the front door. Father was sat round the table with his drinking buddies, he noticed me trying to creep up the stairs "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!" His voice boomed around the entire house. I froze where I was and turned around trembling. "WELL!" He shouted which made me jump. "S-Sorry F-Father I-I.." My voice shook with fear. He stormed over and picked me up by the collar of my t-shirt. He threw me onto the ground "I'm sick of your excuses you little s**t!" He walked over.

*Mentions of abuse*

He walked over too me. I shuffled into the corner, tears pricked in my eyes "F-Father I-I'm sorry.." I stuttered. He ignored me kicking me in the stomach. I cried from pain. His drinking buddies laughed making my Father kick me more. More screams of pain left my mouth. Tears streamed down my face. He kicked me one more time "Get up to your room you worthless child." He demanded and returned to the table. 

*Abuse over*

I slowly got off the ground and limped upstairs. I limped into my room as Plagg flew up too me "Are you okay kid?" He asked, his eyes full of worry and sympathy. "Just another beating from my father Plagg.." I replied and walked into the bathroom. Sometimes I think he causes me pain for the fun of it.. I wasn't sure what I had done to deserve this.. His voice lingered in my head worthless excuse of a human, little s**t, your mother left because of you! It's your fault, worthless child. I opened the cupboard and cleaned my wounds up. I sighed. Tears streamed down my face. I need to get out of here.. 

I walked out of the bathroom. Plagg was eating a piece of camenbert "Plagg I need to get out of here.." I said and transformed "Plagg claws out!" I said and jumped out the window.

 A/N Marinette has figured out something is wrong with both Adrien and Chat Noir? Will she ask them what is wrong? Will they tell her the truth or lie?

Let me know if there is anything that I can do to improve or if there is anything you would like to see in future chapters feel free to leave a comment. If you liked reading this chapter feel free to leave a vote. 

See you next time!


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