Chapter 14

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(Adrien POV) 

It had been two weeks since my Father's arrest.. I had started going to therapy by request of Marinette's parents in hopes to move on from my past and get some closure for what happened to me. I had nightmares of what Father did to me playing across my mind every time I closed my eyes.. Plagg was as supportive as ever. No akuma attacks had happened over the past two weeks so that means I was seeing Ladybug a lot less. We had begun to patrol as less and only patrolled once once or twice at the most over the two weeks. We were as alert as ever for any massive attacks though.

I walked to the gate of the prison where my Father was being kept and took a deep breath. I walked up to the desk booth where a guard was sitting "I-um.. I'm here to see Gabriel Agreste.." The guard nodded at me and the gate opened. I walked into the visiting area and waited for them to bring my Father out. I waited hoping that he would come unlike the last few times I visited.

(Gabriel POV)

The cell door buzzed "You have a visitor Agreste" A guard spoke. I ignored him staring at the top bunk above me. Every week without fail they would tell me I had a visitor, it was either Nathalie or my disgrace of a son. "At least see your son once mate" My cell mate Micky said. I sighed "Fine.." I said getting up off the bunk and walked to the cell door. The guard took my shoulder and lead me to the visiting room. I immediately saw those blonde locks and my heart stung. How I hated Adrien for inheriting her blonde hair and green eyes, it reminded me so much of her.. Emilie..

(Adrien POV) 

I noticed the guard bringing in a man with glasses. His platinum blonde hair still swept back a few strands falling onto his face. The guard sat him down in front of the glass panel and stood back a few feet behind him. I picked up the orange phone opposite me and lifted it to my ear "Hello Father.." I said. His icy glare made me shiver from head to toe. He lifted the orange phone to his ear. "You came this week.. It's nice to see you.." I said hoping that he would speak to me. I hoped we could move on from the past and become closer like we used to be before Mother left..

"Why are you here?.." He asked his voice stern and cold. "I-I came to see you.." I replied. "I don't want to see you" His voice echoed through my ears "You are a disgrace and a mistake, I wish you were never my son. I hate you" My eyes threatened to spill with tears. He beckoned the guard over to take him back to his cell. Before he went with the guard he slammed the phone back down on it's holder and walked away. I watched him walk away, his words swarming around in my mind.. 

'I hate you' 

'I wish you were never my son' 

'You are a disgrace and a mistake'

I left the visitors area and ran into an alleyway. Tears were streaming down my face at this point "Plagg claws out!" I transformed and ran across the rooftops. The wind in my hair. I was free.. Free from the pitiful looks from classmates.. Free from everyone asking me if I am okay constantly.. Free from depression.. I was free..

I stopped running when I realised I was being followed. I turned around to see Ladybug standing there. She was smiling at me. I wiped the tears from my face and smiled at her. It had been so long since we had seen each other.. "Hey kitty" Ladybug waved "I'll race you too the Eiffel Tower?" She readied her yo-yo and swung away. I got my staff and vaulted across the rooftops following her. 

We finally reached the Eiffel Tower and were panting "I'd say that was a draw M'lady.." I puffed. Ladybug giggled "I agree.." She replied catching her breath. Ladybug then sat down, her legs dangling over the edge of the tower. She patted to sit next to her and I obeyed. We sat there in silence for a few minutes looking out to the distance. "I realised I never got a chance to explain my situation.." I said breaking the silence. Ladybug looked in my direction "You don't have to kitty" She smiled. "I owe you an explanation though" I replied "You see my Father abused me, ever since my Mother left.. He was never the same.. Until a couple of weeks ago when he was arrested.. He was sentenced to ten years in prison for what he did to me.." I tried to stop the tears from falling down my face. Ladybug looked at me "I know you know my identity now, and I thought I should explain why I tried to commit suicide.." I looked at the ground. Ladybug smiled at me "I'm just glad you are safe now Chaton." She said. I smiled at her. "I should be getting home now Chat, it was nice to see you" Ladybug stood up and readied her yo-yo to swing away. 

I quickly grabbed her hand "Wait! Since you know my identity can I-" She placed her finger on my lips to cut me off. "In due time, I'm not quite ready yet" Ladybug replied and swung away. I watched her fly away and smiled before heading back to the bakery.

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