*important note*~PLEASE READ

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Abuse is not a fairy tail. Nor is racism, sexism, rape or bullying or anything else! If you are dealing or have dealt with something as serious as this please speak up. If you know someone who is being abused, raped etc, speak up. It will do yourself or someone else the world of good. There is always hope even when it seems like hell has become your life.

It may not seem like it at the time but there will always be people out there that care about you! There are many websites and helplines that you can talk to for advice. There is always someone that you can talk to about what you have been through or are going through. They will listen and offer up support and advice to help you. 

It will get better over time; you will get better; but not magically, it will happen over time; gradually

You have to learn to accept your flaws and embrace them, not ignore them. You have to learn to stand up for yourself, even if it terrifies you to do so.

If you are being abused/know someone who is. Please speak up and try to help, not watch it unfold in front of your eyes. Take matters into your own hands, it may be scary but it is not impossible.

You are important, You are worthy, You are life. Do not let anyone take that away from you or tell you otherwise.

You have to step out of your comfort zone in order to achieve. It will be difficult and it will be heartbreaking at times but in the end it will all be worth it! Whether you have depression, anxiety, an eating disorder, are abused, a rape victim or anything else.

Don't let anyone or anything diminish your worth, because you are worth far more than their disgusting words or actions. And know that the steps you take will all lead to a much better ending, it will lead you to somewhere amazing! 

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