Chapter 9

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(Marinette POV) 

I saw Adrien walk over to Nino, he looked like he was forcing a smile. What happened last night? I thought to myself. "Marinette? Marinette did you hear what I said" Alya asked waving her hand in my face bringing me out of my thought cycle. "Huh? Sorry Alya I zoned out!" I looked back at Alya. She sighed "I was trying to tell you about the footage I got for the Ladyblog yesterday look!" Alya pushed her phone into my hands. I watched the footage and recognised it as the akuma attack that happened yesterday. 

I watched as 'video Ladybug' was fighting the akuma. I saw the blast that caused Chat Noir to go flying into a chimney and accidentally cataclysm it, causing it too crumble. Angry people rushed out and started shouting at 'video Chat Noir'. I noticed that his face was near tears and his eyes looked so full of sadness and regret. "You could've killed someone!" An angry voice from the video shouted. I felt the anger from yesterday bubble up again and I tried to stay calm. I watched my video self walk over and ask what was going on, I watched as she threw the lucky charm in the air and chased after Chat Noir. "Insensitive people.." I mumbled. Alya took her phone back and looked at me confused "What was that?" She asked giving me her 'journalist' look. "Nothing.." I smiled. The bell rang "We should get to class!" I said quickly before she could interrogate me any further. 

I sat down in my seat next to Alya and noticed the boys walk in. Adrien had his normally rolled sleeves down? I wonder what that is about? Did something happen last night? I thought to myself. Mrs Bustier walked in and began taking the register and began the lesson. I tried my hardest to pay attention but my mind was more focused on why Adrien's sleeves are rolled down.

The lesson passed slowly but finally the bell rang for the end of class. I tried to catch up with Adrien and ran after him "Adrien!" I called. He stopped walking and turned around. I walked over to him "Is everything okay? Your sleeves aren't normally down?" I asked.

(Adrien's POV) 

I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. She noticed my sleeves were down.. Crap.. Do I tell her? "I-I um wanted a change for the day.." I lied. Please believe me.. Please believe my lie. Marinette looked at me for a minute "Tell me the truth." She said. "We should get to our next class.. Don't want to be late.." I said quickly wanting to change the truth. Marinette sighed "Adrien I don't want to pester you to tell me the truth but please.." She looked at me her bluebell eyes full of desperation. I sighed in defeat "Come with me.. I don't want to cause a scene.." I took her hand and lead her to behind the school. I let go and hesitated slightly. "Adrien please tell me I want to help.." She said looking at me. I took a steady breath and braced myself for her reaction. I lifted my sleeves up to reveal the bandage on my wrist. Marinette gasped "What did you do?!" She raised her voice slightly. I winced from her shouting "I-I" I began. "Why would you do this to yourself!" She grabbed my wrist. I flinched from the pain. Marinette unravelled the bandage to reveal the cuts I did the night before. She gasped some more. A single tear fell down my face from her disappointment. I'm a failure.. 

"I-I'm s-sorry I wasn't thinking.." I said some more tears fell down my face. Marinette looked at me "It's not your fault.." She whispered and pulled me into a hug. "I-I'm a disappointment.. I'm a burden.." I sobbed into her chest and fell onto the floor. Marinette knelled down besides me and rubbed my back trying to calm me down. "Your not a burden Adrien you are far from a burden.." She assured me. Tears streamed down my face "I-I'm sorry.." I mumbled "I regretted it once I had done it.." Marinette rubbed my back. "Promise me you won't do it again.." She asked. I nodded "I-I promise..". "Can I come over later? It could be a study session?" Marinette asked. "You could come over now? I'm not meant to have friends over.." I replied "My Father would be at work.." Marinette nodded. "Let's get you home then" She said and stood up. I stood up as well and wiped my tears away. We walked out of the alley and in the direction of my house. 

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