Chapter 8

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(Marinette POV)

Chat Noir or Adrien dropped me off at my balcony. He waved goodbye and vaulted away across the rooftops of Paris. I watched him head back to his house. Tikki flew out my purse and sat on my shoulder. I stared into the distance watching the figure of Chat Noir/Adrien disappear over the horizon. Thoughts raced across my mind.. Adrien was Chat Noir, Chat Noir was Adrien. Adrien is my crime fighting partner. Adrien's father abuses him. Everything made so much sense now.. Their behaviour.. The way they both flinched when I touched their wrist. How they both tensed when I gave them a hug. How they almost cried whenever someone punched them playfully. Their green eyes and blonde hair.. Everything made so much sense. "Marinette are you okay?" Tikki spoke her voice filled with worry breaking me from my thought train. "Adrien is Chat Noir Tikki.. and he is suffering.. and I don't know what to do..." I whispered "He tried to kill himself Tikki.." A tear fell down my face. Tikki hugged my cheek "I'm sure he will be okay Marinette.." She smiled "He has you to help him.." I smiled softly. "I hope so Tikki.." I said and opened the trap door and walked into my room. 

I sat down at my desk chair and pulled out my sketchbook. I had a massive amount of homework to do. I groaned. Tikki flew onto my pillow and fell asleep almost immediately. I looked over at her and smiled. I looked back at the pile of homework and sighed. I was in for a late night. 

A few hours passed and I finally finished my last piece of homework. I leaned back in my chair and yawned. My thoughts faded back to the events earlier. I stood up and got ready for bed. I walked into the bathroom and changed into my pyjamas and let my hair down. My thoughts were still focused on the events from the day. How long has Adrien been suffering? How long has his Father been treating him like that? Has he told anyone before.. Or am I the first person he told?.. I walked out of the bathroom and climbed into my bed. I pulled the duvet up to my chin and curled up trying to fall asleep. Questions raced around my mind. Eventually I sighed and got my sketchbook and doodled some designs before I eventually fell asleep. 

Morning came fast and I groaned when I heard my alarm ringing. Tikki was already sat at my desk helping herself to one of her cookies. I slowly got myself out of bed and walked like a zombie to the bathroom. I changed into my usual clothes and tied my messy hair into pigtails with a red hair tie. I brushed my teeth and walked out of the bathroom. I made sure Tikki was inside my purse and I made my way downstairs. I greeted my parents and waved goodbye and headed to school. My thoughts returned once again to the unanswered questions floating around my mind. I pushed them to the back of my mind and walked over to Alya.

(Adrien's POV)

The sun rose across the horizon and I smiled softly. I stood at my window for hours just watching the sun rise. Finally it was time to get ready for school. The sound of my alarm going of brought my attention away from the horizon and back to reality.

 I walked over to my desk and turned off my alarm. I turned my attention to Plagg who was still asleep on my pillow. I shook my head and decided to let him sleep for a few more minutes. I walked into my closet and changed into my usual clothes. Instead of wearing a white jacket, I changed into a jumper with the same stripes on my t-shirt to hide the bandage on my wrist. I walked into the bathroom and changed the bandage for a clean one. I flinched when the clean bandage came into contact with my skin. I pulled my sleeves back down and walked out the bathroom. Plagg was awake and helping himself to a slice of Camembert. I tied my laces and beckoned Plagg into my school bag. I walked out of my bedroom and was met by Father at the top of the stairs. 

His eyes were cold and distant, I shivered. He stood there staring at me. I trembled with fear expecting him to hurt me. No punch or smack came. I stood frozen on the spot not daring to move. Finally He walked away and disappeared into his office. I walked down the stairs and out the front door. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and headed in the direction of school. I finally reached the school site and walked over to Nino putting on my best fake smile. I didn't want Marinette finding out what I did to myself last night.

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