The kiss

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Jennie pov
I was hurt when she pushing me hard. It's not because I stubble and fell on ground. I'm hurting because I can feel that I'm hurting her. Do I really hurt her?
Days ago:
"Jennie I'm sorry about earlier i didn't meant to tease you. I never thought Lisa would react like that.
Jennie can I asked you something?" Jisoo who called me after what happen in the studio.
"Yeah sure what is it?"
"Did you and Lisa fight?" She asked me curiously
"No why? We're fine. Tho we never see each other like before. Because every time I called her she was telling me she's busy. Or she didn't answer her phone. When I go to her office she's always in the meeting. When I go to her house she's either sleep or coming home late. I don't know unie is she mad at. I don't What is going on with her mind anymore. I miss her she never called me Nini Boo ever again. I miss my Lili Boo." I told her while crying on the phone.
"Jennie she's been acting like that since you came back from Paris. And Kai happens. Is she jealous?" Jisoo said
"I don't know I really want to ask her but she don't want to talk to me" I cried
"Okay rosé And I will go to penthouse this weekend you can go there too I will text you" Jisoo say

Lisa's room
"Lisa... yahhh monkey stop crying now please.. I don't know how to handle you with this situation. I'm scared when you cried like that. It's bring all back the memories of me  4 years ago when you really want to die. Lisa please stop now." Rose telling me and she started to cry too.
"I will take it from here rosé just go home. Bring Kai with you told him I need to be here tonight Okay." I said to rosé
Everyone is gone. Get a bucket of water and starting to clean Lisa.
"Lisa...Yahhh Lili Boo. I miss you. Please just talk to me. I need you now.!" Start to cry
"I'm sorry Lisa. I'm sorry if I'm hurting you. " sobbing
"I promise you to take care of you. But I feel like I'm just forgetting you now. I'm sorry" Crying
"Lili My lili.. can you hear me.?. You know the first time when kai ask me to go on a date I was thinking about you. How would you react. If it's okay with you or Am I really want to fall in love with someone else's while. I'm in with you?i was trying To fall in love with him but I failed. You know how much I wanted you to know how I feel. When the times I keep calling you because I need you. But you keep avoiding me. Lisa " I love you" but too scared to know if you feel the same way too? Or if it's not it will be ruining our friendship and I don't want that to happen that's why I keep my feelings towards you. It's better like this than to loose you. But still I feel like loosing you now. And I don't want that to happen. Lisa.. " standing up when I feel her hand grabbing my hand
"I love you Jennie" she said and opening her eyes
"Lisa your awake." I told her I'm shock did she hear everything I say oh god no.
"Ahm I... ahhh I need to go downstairs. I'm gonna clean....." I stop on what I'm saying when Lisa Hold my hand. Look me in the eye.
" Jennie "I heard everything you say! Is it true. You love me? Really? Jennie?" She's asking me
"No.. I mean yes. I mean.?yeahh Lisa I'm so confused right now" she hold my face on her both hands and force me to look at her.
"Jennie I love you too. Ever since. Same as you I was so scared to loose you that's why I decided to hide it and keep it with myself but then. I never expected that this hurt so much when I saw you with another man. I can't jennie it feels like you just killing me inside. I'm sorry if I'm cold towards you I just can't bare to see you happy with him. I just.." cut what about to say when I Just move closer with her .
"Lisa Shut up" and I kissed her lips. She Grab the back of my nape and deepen the kiss. We were just kiss passionately. I noticed Lisa's kissed more intense then I respond to her more passionately. After a while we're break the kisses then look at Lisa.
"I never knew you were that good at kissing?" Lisa told me and teasing me " i never knew you are that hungry" I was teasing her back and she's kissing me again this she bit my lower lip to make me open my mouth to enter her tongue inside my mouth. I feel butterflies in my stomach and heat is all over the room "did I forgot to turn on the ac" I play my tongue with hers that makes me want her more. Lisa's hand roaming inside my shirt. And gently touch my boobs. That's when I break the kiss " yahhh lisa yahhh the hell".. I was shouting at her and she's laughing at me.

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