Part 9

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The sound of Frost's light feet padded on the ground as she paced back and forth eyeing you.

You were huddled in the corner trying to get as much distance between you and her. It was an impossible attempt, seeing that you were chained in place with only the length of a couple feet of chain for you to move about.

With your head buried in your knees you heard her come nearer making you cringe. You wanted to get out of there with all your might but you couldn't. Everyday the scientists/doctors would inject you with a dose of poison to make you weak. It wasn't strong enough to kill but it made you unable to use any of your abilities.

She came closer. Her face inches away from your hidden one.

"Kate." she whispered making you flinch. "Don't hide. Show yourself. It's rude to keep to yourself when you have a guest."

Ever so slowly you looked up at her perfect face. Your eyes staring into hers.

"Please. Don't hurt me."you croaked. She giggled at your words before sighing. She looked around to make sure no one could hear.

"Do you really think I want to hurt you?" she whispered painfully. "I don't want to hurt another mutant but I have to. For him. And for you. When we have these sessions you become stronger."

She straightened up, taking a step back.

"No, please. I'm begging you!" you cried, tears blurring your vision.

"I'm sorry. I really am." she apologized before entering your mind.




A shout made you wake up from your memory. A thousand questions raced through your head. 'Where am I? How did he know my name? Who is he? Is this Shaw's doing?'

Out of the side of your vision you saw a figure. As a reflex and a habit you immediately made a dagger and threw it at the silhouette.

Add soon as it left your grasp everything came teeming back to you. The reason you were there and who you'd just thrown the dagger at.

The dagger was going straight for Darwin's chest. Just as it was about to impale him he turned from some type of stony surface to a silvery one.

Instead of falling down into the grass it ricocheted off him and went straight towards... Alex.

Your hands flew to your mouth in shock as you heard him yelp. He touched his arm. It had grazed the outside of it, leaving a small cut. Even with the distance between the both of you the blood was visible.

"Alex! Are you all right?"

"Does it hurt?"

"Do we need a doctor?"

They hurled their questions at him as they crowded around him. Guilt engulfed through your entire body as you took in the scene. You started to shake, the cold and the fear racing through you.

You closed your eyes as you heard their voices. Screaming, choking, begging for mercy. Children, parents, siblings, old people with gnarly backs. You had always hurt people, doing every single one of Shaw's biddings just for him to take away the pain that flooded through you. 

"Kate." Charles was looking at you. And so was everyone else. You gulped not knowing what to expect. "It wasn't your fault. It was an accident." he said, clearly trying to make you not feel bad.

You shook your head. "No Charles. I can't be here. Accident or not I always end up hurting other people. I have to go."

"No you don't," he said taking a step towards you. "I can help you. Let me help you."

Your eyes started to water again. "You can't." you choked. "No one can."

He took another step towards you. "Stay back. I don't want to hurt you." Your voice broke halfway through the sentence. Charles stopped, his face grim. Looking at everyone they all had the same expression.

"I have to go." you said looking at Charles. As you were about to teleport you felt something dig into your left wrist. Looking down you saw the cheap steel bracelet that you had stolen a week back was wrapping itself tighter. You looked up at Erik, his hand outstretched.

"Erik. Let go." your voice contained a pleading tone.

"No." he stated simply.

You knew that words would not make him release you. You fumbled with the catch for a few moments. When it came off it was still hugging your wrist.

"Erik, please let me go." He said nothing to your comment. Suddenly you felt yourself being pulled towards him. "Erik! Stop!" Still he said nothing.

You did the only thing you could think of. Putting out your right hand you focused on him. On the blood inside of him that flowed through his veins. The veins that ran through his entire body.

Suddenly he became rigid. His arm lowered itself almost mechanically. He stared down at it in amazement. But still he wouldn't relinquish his hold of you.

"Kate." you looked at Raven. "Stay. Let Charles help you. Help us stop Shaw." she begged.

You could feel all your anger rise up in you. Why couldn't they just let you go? Why couldn't they understand?

"I HAVE TO GO!" you screamed. They all turned pale but you continued. "I'M A MONSTER!  SHAW! HE MADE ME TO HURT PEOPLE! THAT'S ALL I KNOW HOW TO DO! I HURT PEOPLE! I KILL PEOPLE! AND WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU?! WHY CAN'T YOU?! WHY?!!" you sobbed. Only now realizing that you had been crying the entire time. The tears flowed down nonstop. You could see their faces, looking at you. Even when they were dead, they still stared at you.

Then you caught sight of Erik. His entire body was rigid and frozen. His face was bright red, the veins popping out clearly. The pain was written across his entire face. You gaped at him, shocked. You tried to stop but you couldn't.

Charles spoke up, taking a step towards you. When you didn't stop him he took another step. "Kate, you're stopping his blood flow and trying to force it out his body. Let him go."

Your mind screamed to let him go but you couldn't. You were paralyzed. You'd never done this to someone you knew before. It was always to strangers. But now seeing Erik like this...

You felt a hand grasp your wrist. Charles pulled it down gently, your fingers unclenched as you let go of Erik. He collapsed to the ground gasping. Raven being nearest, rushed to his side.

Charles wiped away your tears with his thumb. You closed your eyes leaning into the palm of his hand.

"It's okay." he whispered. You broke down, right there and then. He pulled you into a hug letting you sob and wail into his shoulder. "It's okay." he kept repeating.

After having calmed down, you pulled away and told him.

"As long as I can remember, no one's ever told that to me before."


Date - Sunday, 21 June, 2020
Time - 2:00 a.m.
Word count - 1238

This chapter is a lot longer than the previous ones. I had actually intended on doing two chapters but instead came out as one.

I'm not very pleased with this one. I don't exactly know why though. But I hope you like it.


Thank you.

Your exhausted writer,

C. Riverbend

Ocean Eyes :  X-Men First Class VOLUME 1 of Prism SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now