Part 20

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You watched with your arms crossed as Charles checked his gun nervously. Erik was looking at him, slightly bored and annoyed.

"Charles, if you don't get this over with soon, I'm just going to head off." you said, kicking at the gravel.

He mumbled. "Fine, fine." he raised gun up to Erik's forehead. Charles took a deep breath. And then another. Then another.

Erik straightened himself. "Are you going to pull the fucking trigger or an I going to have to?"

"Alright!" Charles huffed. "Just give me a moment."

A thought suddenly came to you. "Charles," he turned to you, thankful that he didn't have to shoot just yet. "Is this your first time shooting someone?"

"I, well... uhh... " he stuttered.

Erik laughed. "Scheiße! (German for shit, if you didn't know) No wonder you look scared. You're scared I could be your first kill!"

You snatched the gun out of his hands.
"I'll do it. I'm sick of waiting for you clowns to get this over with. Charles Xavier, you didn't even take off the safety catch!" you showed him. You mumbled, "I'm among idiots."

Making sure that the gun was actually loaded, you brought it up to Erik's line of sight.

"Ready?" you asked.

"Always." he said confidently.

Just as you were going to pull the trigger, the weight of the gun in your hand and Erik in front of you produced you to recall a memory you had long tucked away.

The man cornered you into a wall. You frantically looked around at the bare cement ceilings. You didn't have enough strength to teleport. Looking back at him tears blinded your vision.

You were only 11 at the time and it was your fifth attempt at breaking out.

The man laughed. A cold, booming laugh. At the sight of him drawing out his gun your eyes widened. He laughed again.

"You're lucky I have orders not to kill you bitch." he said. "But I don't have orders not to hurt you. And I know all the places to shoot where the pain's so unbearable that you'll wish you were dying. Freak. " he spat out. He pointed the gun at your left knee and pulled the trigger.

The pain seared through your leg like fire. You screamed at the top of your lungs.

He grinned at you evilly. He then shifted the sight of the gun to your right knee.

Through all the pain you were somehow able to make a portal right in front of the gun before he pulled the trigger again.

The portal lead straight through to the back of his head. The bullet went in, blood spattered out. He slumped to the floor, dead. He hadn't even known what had hit him.

Trembling, you picked up the gun. Making the portal had used up energy you didn't know you had had.

The sound of running from another corridor came closer.

Another man appeared, only a few feet from you. He stared at the dead form of his other coworker. Then his eyes fixed on you. His hand moved to his gun.

You brought up the weapon and fired.
It hit him in the shoulder. You fired again, hitting him in the chest. The last bullet went through his throat. His hands clutched at it as he pitched forward. He wriggled around for a few seconds before going still. As still as the other corpse.

You stared at the body, blinking back tears. He had been your first kill. The first of many.


Erik looked at you worriedly. You were conscious of the tears that masked your cheeks. Your hands shook viciously. Especially the one holding the gun.

With some effort Erik pried it out of your hand. He handed it to Charles who quickly put on the catch.

Tears streaming down, you began to sob. You crouched down to the ground and put your head in your hands.

You wanted the memory gone. You didn't want to be like this.

"Charlie," you croaked out. You heard the crunch of gravel and felt a hand on your shoulder. "Please put me to sleep. Just rid me of my thoughts for now. I want to sleep." you whispered.

He hesitated, that you could tell. And you then felt calmer and peaceful, as you dropped off to a dreamless sleep.


Kneeling down, Erik caught Kate into his arms, resting her head on his shoulder. He looked at Charles. Charles's eyes were full of tears. He hurriedly brushed them away, his breathing slightly shaky.

"What happened?" Erik finally asked Charles.

Charles brushed a stand of hair out of her face and wiped the tears.

"She had a flashback of her first kill." he said sadly.

Erik looked back down at Kate's now peaceful form.

"You saw it happen?"

Charles nodded. "It was a traumatic experience. I still feel shook. Try imagine what it was like for an 11 year old."

They looked at her as she slept.

"We should take her back up to the house." Charles finally suggested. Eric nodded in agreement and picked her up.

They walked back to the house in silence, shoulder to shoulder, both thinking about the mutant Erik held in his arms.


Date - Sunday, 6 September, 2020
Time - 6:08 p.m.
Word count - 915

I've heard that the most painful place to be shot in is the knee. If you maybe have somewhere else that might be better, you can write and I'll consider it.

Please vote.


Ocean Eyes :  X-Men First Class VOLUME 1 of Prism SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now