Part 22

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"So I'll go down first, and then you come down." You said as you tied up your hair into messy bun.

You had both agreed that maybe it was better if you didn't let the others know about you yet.

"Hmmn." Charles hummed, stretched out on the bed. "Just hurry down! I want to go have breakfast." he grumbled.

Silently you crept up to him. You gave him a peck on the nose. "Yessir." you said and teleported to the kitchen.

Everyone was in their places as the smell of bacon wafted through the room.

"Morning." you greeted them. The responses were various. From muffled mouths stuffed with eggs (Sean), a nice normal hello from many, to Hank and Erik's worried but relieved glances.

Taking your usual seat with Hank at your left and Charles's empty seat at the head of the table at your right. Raven placed your plate in front of you before sitting directly facing you.

You started to dig in when you realized that the clatter of cutlery and chat had died down to absolute silence. You looked up.

Everyone was staring at you.

"What?" you asked, taking a bite of the toast.


"Stop looking at me like that." you said, putting down the toast. "You're freaking me out."

"Kate, did you look in the mirror this morning?" Moira asked.

You touched your face. "Why? Is there something on it."

Alex smirked. "Not exactly."

"Who'll tell her?" Sean said after taking a mouthful of bacon.

Raven wrinkled her nose at him. "You just couldn't talk when your mouth was empty. I'll tell her. In fact, I'll show her." She then became an exact copy of you, except she was smiling crookedly.

You searched around 'your' face looking for any spot or blemish but found none.

"You might want to look down a little lower." you heard Hank whisper beside you.

Your eyes traveled down and stopped when it reached the neck.

You and Charles were under the covers. You watched him sleeping though you knew he was only pretending. The heart rate was too fast for someone sleeping.

Smirking, an idea came. To tease him you said your thoughts as loudly as possible in your head before letting down the mental wall.

"Gosh, I want to make out already!"

As you predicted, his eyes flew open. He turned on his side to glare at you. His hand covered your mouth when you started to laugh too loud.

"Sorry." you mumbled.

"Did you really mean that?" he asked.

You looked at him mischievously. "Maybe."

His lips grazed against yours. Your hands went through his hair, tugging lightly at the soft waves. His kisses traveled down. Chin to jaw, jaw to neck.

You yelped.

Your hand flew to your neck where on the nape of Raven's neck was a deep red-purple bruise. A hickey.

The room exploded with laughter. Raven was still mirroring you, turning bright red.

You whined. "Stop it!" Pulling your hair down to cover it Sean snickered.

Charles came into the room casually. He must have read their minds because he automatically blushed.

He sat down in his seat with his eyes focused on his plate.

"Hey Charles. Did you even have a look at your handiwork before you let her downstairs?" asked Alex.

Charles glowered at him making him grin even more.

"You call that a lovebite?" you turned to Erik, buttering a scone. "Looks more like a mosquito bit her if you ask me."

"The mosquito liked it for sure." said Sean before he started on his second serving. 

"If you ask me, I think the bitee liked it even more than the biter." Alex said as he winked at you. 

Once everyone had calmed down and gone back to eating their breakfast, you let the barrier down a bit.

"Charlie. You know, I have a feeling that they might know about us."

He kicked you underneath the table.


Being teased, fawned over , questioned and pestered all day can have a tiring effect on the mind and body.

You sat on a bench quite a far distance from the house. Lighting the cigarette from a pack you'd just purchased from the bustling streets of New York, you laid back and took in the peace and quite.

You blew out the smoke and through the haze you could see a figure walking towards you.

Erik sat down next to you with a huff.

"Must you sit so far from the house?" he said, wiping the film of sweat from his brow.

"At least there's a shade to be thankful for." you said before taking a drag.

He frowned at the cigarette.

"You know doctors say they're not good for you."

You handed it to him. He took it gratefully with a grin on his face. There was silence as you passed it back and forth.

"You remember the last time we were alone just the two of us like this?" he said after you crushed out the stub.

You were quiet for a moment. "Yeah, I remember."


Date - Tuesday, 25 August, 2020
Time - 4:56 a.m.
Word count - 853

Originally this was combined with part 23 but it got too long. So when reading this it's best to read with the next chapter.

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Your very tired writer,

Cleara Riverbend

Ocean Eyes :  X-Men First Class VOLUME 1 of Prism SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now