Part 12

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You sat on the sofa musing about how life would have been without Shaw with a glass of scotch in your hands. Raven had questioned it, since it was still morning. Well, it was drinking time somewhere in the world.

"Are you even old enough to drink?" Angel had asked as she held the bottle out of your reach.

"Old enough to run you through with this blade without a second thought if you don't hand me the bottle." you had said as a black knife materialized in your hands.

Though you had said it part jokingly she had handed it over without a seconds thought.

You shut out everyone's conversation, not caring. And even if you did you weren't exactly very good with conversations. All that you registered was that Alex and Darwin were playing games in the corner.

You were waken from your thoughts when you heard a hollow knock on the glass. Two guys in suits were standing outside.

"I didn't know the circus was in town." one of them said.

"Hey, come on honey. Why don't you give us a little-" he then began to flap his arms, looking at Angel. Your knuckles began to turn white as you clenched your fists. Fighting the urge to not teleport outside and stab him.

Last night in Charles's room he had told you about everyone and their mutations. Angel was ignoring them but the look in her eyes was plain hurt.

Hank got up and closed the curtains shutting out the jerks.

"They're just guys being stupid."Raven tried to soothe Angel.

"Sons of bitches." you muttered before draining your glass of scotch, earning a glare from Raven. Either it was from your comment or that you just finished your second glass.

Angel looked at you before responding to Raven.

"Guys being stupid I can handle okay? I've handled that my whole life. But I'd rather a bunch of guys stare at me with my clothes off than the way these ones stare at me."

"At us." Raven corrected her. You reached for the bottle to refill but Raven took it out of your grasp and threw it at Sean who caught it deftly. You threw her a glare and groaned before taking out a small metal flask from your pocket, making you earn a look from almost everyone.

Just as you placed the flask to your lips you heard something outside. The atmosphere of the room immediately changed.

"What was that?" you heard someone ask.

You strode over to the window, opening the curtain. Darwin opened the curtain. You looked out onto the silent grounds. Then just as you were going to ignore it and take another sip, Raven screamed as a man suddenly crashed onto the ground out of nowhere. The sight of men dropping out of the sky made you feel slightly sick. You then caught a glimpse of red before it disappeared in a cloud of red smoke.

"Azazel." you growled.

"You know him?" Sean asked panicking.

You'd met him before and had fought him more than once. Since both of you were teleporters the fights had been long and weary. Though you'd only lost to him once you didn't want to have to face him again.

"Yeah, I know him." you growled.

Agents appear telling us to back away from the window. While they had their attention on us Azazel appeared behind them. You all began to shout telling them he was behind them. They turned around and before the bullets hit Azazel he teleported.

He teleported behind one of the agents and a fight broke out. As shots were fired you all hid behind a couch with Darwin standing over all of you  protectively. You looked at Raven who was sobbing.

Having had enough of watching good man die you decided to teleport. Though just as you were about to you felt a hand grip your wrist. Keeping your head down but looking up you saw it was Alex. He shook his head as you pulled away from his grasp.

"Look." you said pointing out the opposite window. A tornado could be seen as it came nearer growing bigger, uprooting trees and destroying everything in its path.

"Stay here my ass, let's go!" Darwin shouted running for the door. You ran behind him and made sure everyone was together. You were the oldest so it felt like a responsibility to keep them all safe.

At the end of the corridor the soldiers shouted for you to stay back.

"We can help!" you heard Darwin say to them. A huge blast appeared, one that you felt familiar with. You shook it off as you headed back into the room.

On both sides of the room the chaos is still going on with Azazel still killing off agents and the tornado coming nearer. Before you could see what had happened a man came crashing in through the window making everyone whimper.

The tornado dies down leaving a man you've never met walking towards you. You heard crunching glass as Azazel walked in through the window.

"You want the mutants?" you all hear someone say. "Their right through that door. Just let us normal people go. We're no threa-" he was cut off letting you know he was dead. You had a feeling that you knew who had just killed the man.

Taking a deep breath you stepped in front of everyone facing the door. No matter who came through the door, you had to protect them.

"Get behind me." you said looking at them behind your shoulder. Putting your hand on Raven's cheek you wiped her tears. "I won't let him hurt you guys. I promise. "

The door opened. You kept your eyes on Raven's, not wanting to look at the man.

You slowly turned and faced your worst nightmare.


Date - Saturday, 27 June, 2020
Time - 1:48 p.m.
Word count - 942

Finally, a scene from the movie. It took me three days to write this cause it's really difficult to describe.

Also, yes, Kate drinks. She's knows how to hold it so don't worry. Sorry if you don't like it but I wanted something to define that she's an adult.

Do you like how she's protective and everything?

Also how do you dedicate a chapter to someone? I'm really confused by it.

Please vote. Or write. I really want to hear from you guys and know who's reading.

C. Riverbend

Ocean Eyes :  X-Men First Class VOLUME 1 of Prism SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now