Part 23

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Dear readers,
I know you probably don't want to read this but please do.
I also know this is a very huge leap but I do not know who else to turn to. My dad has cancelled our Netflix account and it will be cutting out in a few days. I now turn to you, my fellow fanfictioners and ask if there is anyone who will be kind enough. As I said, I know it's a big leap and involves a lot of trust. But the choice is yours to make.

Yours sincerely,

C. Riverbend



"Love, it's going to be fine." Charles assured you.

You fiddled with a strand of hair that had come loose from your tight bun.

"I don't know Charlie. Fighting Raven's one thing, but Erik? He's a whole other level."

You watched as Erik knocked Alex down onto his back.

"Alex," Charles called him. "It's your lucky day. You've been replaced."

Alex got up and walked away, grumbling something about fair fights and disadvantages.

"Well you two, I'm off. Don't worry Kate. You couldn't be in better hands." he flashed you a smile and jogged off.

You watched as Charles disappeared from sight until an attention cough was heard.

"Shall we?" Erik asked.

You faced him and went into a stance.

"You make it sound like we're going to dance a waltz." you suggested

The next half an hour was different from your fighting match with Raven. It was aggressive and painful.

Once again he overpowered you.

Panting you pushed yourself away.

"You're not giving it your everything." he said. "Put in some elbow grease."

"What do you think I'm doing?" you snapped.

"Then use your mutations. Let it out."

You shook your head. He sighed.

"Fine then. Imagine that I'm Schmidt, I mean Shaw, attack me as you would him."

"Erik, I can't do that. I'll kill you or maim you. Just you watch." you warned him.

He stood his ground resolutely and without warning, attacked.

You teleported behind him but a piece of metal came flying back, cutting your arm.

"Oh you don't know what your in for."

You fought him, picturing Shaw in front of you, blow after blow, making you more and more determined.

The last blow was unexpected for both of you. You accidentally electrified him. He flew back in the air, landing on his back, as still as a rag-doll.

"Erik!" you dashed to him. "Oh shit, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

"Ah, fuck." He groaned. "Oh no, I'm fine. In fact, never better. If you could be a darling and get me a dry martini and lie down with me, best day ever."

You smiled. If he could still be sarcastic he was fine. You lay down on the soft grass. "I'm afraid no martinis but the best I can do is lie down with you."

You lay down next to him on the soft grass, the light shining dimly through the thick leaves of the huge tree.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" he asked.

You took a deep breath. "Shaw used to put me in a ring. Like a fighting ring. The type where you kill or be killed. When you're trying to stay alive you learn a lot along the way. But of course, you would know that."

He looked at you with understanding before shutting his eyes.

"Erik?" you asked after a long time.

He lay immobile with his eyes still shut. You knew he was awake.

"If you had to choose between me and Raven, who would you choose?" you asked.

He cracked open an eye, looking at you.

"The fuck?"

You laughed at his answer a little too hard. He propped himself sideways up on one elbow, resting his head on his knuckles.

"No, really. What kind of question is that? Choose? Choose between her and you for what?"

You shrugged. "I don't know, anything."

"Asking that is like asking you to or Charles?" His tone of voice was different. It was serious.

You looked at him, his face inches from yours. In the shadow of the tree his eyes looked steel gray and you could see that though he was trying to make it sound light hearted he was actually asking. Asking who you preferred, him or his friend.

You picked up a dandelion next to you and blew it. There was silence as you watched the seeds blow away in the soft breeze. "Isn't it beautiful?" you whispered.

"Yes it is." You knew he wasn't talking about the flower because he hadn't even raised his head to look at it. His eyes were still fixed on its previous line of attention.



You both sat there looking at the mansion. A breeze came by and seeing that he wasn't all hot and sweaty anymore you nestled into him.

"So, you chose Charles." he said.

You gulped. "Erik, I-"

"Whatever it is you're going to say, just don't apologize." Erik interrupted, "There's nothing to apologize for. It was just a stupid question."

You looked at him, his eyes hard and cold, staring off into the distance. No matter how hard he was trying, he couldn't hide the bitterness in his voice.

You snaked your hand to the cheek that was facing away and gently pushed his head down so your lips met his cheekbone.

He looked at you slightly dazed but his gaze had softened. He put his arm around you and pulled you closer while your arms wrapped around his neck. He kissed your forehead.

"Liebling, if it helps in any way, I would choose you over Raven any time. Just don't tell her that." he quickly put in.

You smiled. "If you say so."

You both sat there till you fell asleep to the lull of the breeze and the rhythmic sound of his heart beating in his chest under your head.


Date - Friday 28, September, 2020
Word count - 918

I know, for all the Xavier lovers, hang on. There's more to come.

Please vote.

C. Riverbend

I watched 'Atonement' last night. Is there are any Mcavoy films to suggest you can.

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