And So We Meet Again

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This is it, my first day going to Karasuno High. "Don't forget that I'm coming home late tonight!" My mom hollered to me as she's passing by my bedroom.

"Okay mom, love ya!" I look at myself at the mirror with my new Karasuno uniform. You know what? The uniforms are kinda cute, I'm not complaining!

I grab my bag and head out to have a fresh start of my high school life


I look down at my paper to make sure i'm at the right class. And sure enough, 1-B is where I am. I wonder if i'll be able to make friends.

I peek inside the class to see if there are any students. There weren't many, so I walked in and introduced myself to the teacher.

"Good morning Sensei, I'm the transfer student that will be joining your class!" I smiled.

"Ah! Good morning indeed! So you must be, let me check my list..." She quickly turns away from me to look at her clipboard on her right. "Ah yes, (L/N) (F/N) I assume?"

"That's right! The one and only!" I may have gotten too excited and hopped in place.

"Excellent! The bell will ring soon, so you can just stand outside and i'll give you a proper entrance for the students."

I nod and exit the class, fiddling my fingers.

Kageyama's POV

I plop down on my seat and put my head down on my desk. Gosh, I'm so tired from yesterday's training. I can just fall asleep right here, right now.

"Good morning everyone! Today we have a new student that will be joining our class. You can come in now!"

I hear small footsteps walk inside the classroom.

"G-Good morning, I'm (L/N) (F/N). Uh, I look forward to working with you all."

Hold up, that voice. It sounds familiar, and the name. This can't be the Y/N I know right?
I quickly bring my head up to look at this new student.

I make eye contact with her. Her e/c eyes are the same as they were two years ago. Wait, has it really been that long?

"Great! Have a seat in front of Kageyama for now. We already started a lesson so try your best to keep up." Sensei pointed to the empty seat in front of me.

Y/N walks towards the seat and gives me a warm smile. She is somehow the same but really different at the same time.

I can't explain it.


I grab the milk from the vending machine and start walking back to class until I feel a tug on my shirt.

"Kageyama! Long time no see!"

I turn around to see Y/N, who's holding a bag in front of her. I walk towards her, "Do I know you?" I playfully said.

"Don't play dumb with me, Bakayama"

I suddenly feel a punch to my side. "Ah so I see that you're still aggressive. Damn, also strong."

And cute.

"I've missed you so much Kags. You have no idea how many times I have tried to contact you."

She comes closer to me and hugs me. I put my arms around her waist and pull her closer to my chest.

"I'm sorry I took so long to come back..."

I chuckled and remembered that she promised me she was going to come back in a few months. But it has been 2 years already.

"It's fine, you're here now and that's all that matters to me now." I hear her start laughing.

"You're so cheesy, you know that, right?"

"Whatever boke, let's go, we have to go back to class." I shove her to the side and start running inside to the classroom

"Hey! No fair! You cheated Bakageyama!"



I thought I was never going to see Kageyama again after Junior High. I've had so much trouble with making friends and so did Kags. We both noticed this and we would look out for each other without even knowing.

"Kageyama!" I run up to him panting.

"You still play volleyball, Kags?" I managed to say.

"Yeah, I'm headed to practice right now, so if you'll excuse me-"

I cut him off, a bit too excited, "Can I go with you? I want to see how bad you play!"

"Uh sure. But you're just staying to watch, no messing around, got it?"

I smile and nod. I swear to God I saw him blush a bit which made me blush too. He's so cute- wait. No! What am I thinking, he's just a friend. A FRIEND.

I never thought that it would be so awkward walking to the gym. Why are we talking so long? Should I say something? I clear my throat.

"You know, I still play volleyball too!" Well, at least I said something.

He stops walking and turns to look at me. "You do?"

"Of course! Ever since you taught me the basics of volleyball, I just naturally fell in love with it."

And that's the truth, I saw how passionate Tobio was with volleyball and how obsessed he was with Oikawa's jumping serves. Which just made me even more curious how the volleyball world works.

"Because... of me?" He cocks his head, looking shocked.

I playfully punched his arm, "Yes because of you! You were my only friend back then, how else was I supposed to stay close to you?" I smile one more time.

"Yet, you still left me..." He muttered under his breath. I heard him, that's for sure.

The rest of the walk was him talking about his teammates. This Hinata guy sounds like he's pretty powerful for such a small guy! It's nice to see Kags talking about others.

I miss these conversations with him.

I Miss Your Shining Eyes {Kageyama x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now