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I woke up from the short nap I had taken as soon as I got home, until I hear a couple of knocks on the front door. I groan in response, but once I realized that I have to get up and open the door, I sigh and start walking towards the door.

"Hello? Oh, it's you!"

"You, has a name you know," He chuckled.

I laughed, "Yes, Kageyama-kun I am aware of that. So what brings you here so late?" I lean on the door.

"Late? It's barely 7, anyways I came because I felt bad for leaving you behind so suddenly"

That's right, he said that he had to go deal with someone right after.

"Oh that? It's all good, I left afterwards anyways since I had to do some homework and other things."  I give him a gentle smile. "It's cold outside, come in and keep me company for while, yeah?"

Kageyama's POV
After Y/N invited me inside her house, we talked for a bit about what we have done since we haven't talked with each other for a couple of months. She told me about all the ridiculous 'dates' her and Hinata would go, which made me a bit jealous but what can I do?

Soon, we hear the front door open and close. Which I assume was her mom finally arriving home. I stood up from the couch and headed towards the door.

"Hello Mrs. L/N! I was just uh- keeping Y/N some compant while you were away" I chuckled nervously.

"Oh how wonderful! Thank you so much for that, it's been a while since I've seen you. I'll invite you to to dinner once work is less hectic!"

"I'll look forward to it then. Well, i'll be on my way now. Thank you Mrs. L/N and Y/N for having me here. See you at school."


"Everyone! A very big reminder, before I dismiss you all, the school festival is tomorrow! So invite all your loved ones to have some fun." The teacher arranges his papers and walks out the classroom, signaling that we have been dismissed.

Everyone started talking about the festival and how fun it's going to be and blah blah blah. Meanwhile, I put head on my desk for a nap.

I feel like someone is staring at me I open my eyes slowly and surprise, surprise, it's Hano-san. "What do you want now?" I say as I start getting up. It's no use in staying asleep here, I'll just get disturbed again.

She scoffs, "Nothing, I just wanted to ask how was the visit to your friend's last night?"

"Why do you even care? I guess it was fine..." I slightly blush at the thought of the time that I spent with Y/N. "Y/N and I talked about a few things and I left after- wait, why am I even telling you this? Forget I said anything, see ya."

I walk passed her and head towards Y/N's classroom.

(very short) Hano-san's POV

Y/N? Isn't it that one girl that used to hangout with him all the time? They must have made up or something.

I sigh at the thought and start packing my school materials.

I definitely don't have a chance with Kageyama anymore. Once she's in the picture, I'm out. Oh well, gotta move on or something...


Hinata frantically stuffs his folders in his backpacks and scurries to my desk and I, "Hey Y/N! Want me to walk you home? We cab get some boba tea on the way, my treat!"

Last night, Kageyama and I had initially agreed that we would talk to him and tell Hinata the situation. Best to get it out of the way before something goes wrong.

I gently smile, "Hinata-kun, w-well uh, you see, that would be great...!"

Knowing that there's going to be a 'but', Hinata says, "...but...?"

I see Kageyama tiptoe behind Hinata and give him a small grin, "But we have to talk to you..."

"We? What do you mean by-"

"She means us, Hinata." Kageyama is now MaGiCaLlY next to Hinata.

Hinata practically jumps up, "Wha-wha-what are you doing here!? D-Don't creep up on me like that, DUMBASS!" he says while putting his hand over his chest, scared half to death.

"We have to talk to you about this situation that you two had."


"And that's what happened, I guess..." Hinata sighed after explaining what he had done and his thought process throughout everything.

We decided to stay in the classroom since most of the students already left home and there wasn't really a place for us to go anyways. 

"B-But it was a misunderstanding!" he continued.

I start to get a bit angry, "A misunderstanding?! You mean, you didn't mean for me to stay away from Kageyama, to not talk to him, to not even look at him? You didn't mean for that to happen? Even when you knew I liked Kageyama?!" I inhale some air. Damn, I really did just rap that whole thing out. 

"Hinata-kun, I thought you were my friend. I really did, but after you told me to basically isolate myself for others, I realized that you were just manipulating me."  I scoff, "And there I went, following your orders. Pathetic, aren't I?"

Hinata vigorously starts shaking his head 'no'.

"No, I'm sorry Y/N. I know you won't forgive me easily, but c-can I at least make amends?" I glared at Hinata, but he looks back at me with the puppy eyes. My weakness.

"F-Fine." I answered in defeat. I honestly don't want this to be a bigger problem, so i'll just let him do whatever he desires.

Hinata quickly says thank you and walks out the classroom leaving Kageyama and I alone in the classroom. "So, you like me~" Kageyama says teasingly. I feel my face get hot up to my ears, did I forget that he was here? I'm so embarrassed.

"Y-Yes I do... I didn't plan for you to find this way, but yeah I like you...as more as a friend" I squirm a bit in my seat. I really didn't mean to say it in front of him, it just slipped out of my mouth!

"And what about you? I-I know you like me too! My classmates are always me that you give me the 'googly eyes' whenever we talked and stuff like that! What's your response to that huh?!"

Kageyama rubs his neck nervously and sighs, "Yeah, that's true. I also like you, i've actually liked you for so many years." He chuckled, "I have never imagined confessing to you this early. You would always do mean pranks to me when we were younger and tease me, so I naturally thought you didn't like me like that."

He gets close to me and leaned in, inches away from my face and closed that space with a passionate but gentle kiss. His lips are chapped but at the same time soft. Melting into that kiss, I smile as I pull away slowly.

"I've always wanted to do that," Kageyama confesses, while I'm a blushing mess.

"Always?! For just how long have you liked me?" I question.

He tilts his head up a bit, thinking. "Hmmm, that's a secret." He answers and gives me a quick peck on the lips while smirking.


Sorry if it seemed kind of rushed 😳

i am currently working on a
Kenma x reader story so i have been trying to focus on that 😚 (posting soon)



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