Watch Out

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Kageyama's POV

I hear somebody heading downstairs, is it Y/N? Oh, it's just Hinata. "Um, I made dinner... Do you want to join us?" Hinata just stares at me. I guess he doesn't want to join us? "It's fine if you just say you don't want to join us... No need to glare at me, boke."

Hinata walks slowly towards me, "Kageyama... t-take care of Y/N for me."

I stay quiet in confusion.

"I just confessed to Y/N..."

Confessed? Confessed what? His feelings? "W-What did she say to that? No, wait, I don't care... so, don't tell me..." Yeah, why should even care? It's not as if she likes me or something. We're just...friends.

"You go ask Y/N yourself, but let me tell you one thing..."

"And what is it?"

"I'm. Not. Giving up. So you better watch out." Hinata walks to the door, "Thanks for having me!" He hollers out as he exits.

So... Hinata told Y/N he likes her... I wonder what was her reaction.


I quickly change into some comfortable clothes that Kageyama gave me earlier. The grey sweatpants and white t-shirt is way too big but at least they're comfy! I head downstairs, to find Kageyama staring at the door. "Kageyama...? What are you looking at? Did you see something?" He didn't respond, so I walked up to him and poked him in the stomach. "Y/N! Y-You startled me, what are you doing down here?" He yelped. "What do you mean?" I laughed. "I was talking to you but you didn't answer me. Hey, were those abs I felt? I thought you were lying to me when you said you worked out!"

"S-Shut up!" He looks away all flustered.


"Anyways, did Hinata actually leave?" I asked while leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Hinata? Oh... he...he did leave."

Hm? Why did he hesitate to say that?

"I see. Well then, let's eat! Did you make all of this?" In awe, I look at the table full of food and back at Kageyama seeing a warm smile from him. He's acting a bit weird, but I'll figure out a way to cheer him up, I'll stay by his side.


Kageyama's POV

I can't seem to stop thinking about what Hinata said to me...

I'm not giving up. So you better watch out.

"...Yama! Kageyama!" I look up at Y/N, startled. Shoot, I forgot that she's here. "Kageyama! I was saying your name like 5 times! What's wrong? Are you still sick?"

"Ah, no. Just thinking about stuff."

Get your shit together Kageyama. I look back down at the food and start to slowly eat the California roll sushi I proudly made. Y/N finishes slurping her ramen noodles. "Ah yes, these noodles are so good! How are they not salty?" I smirk, "It's a secret...."

"Oh come on! No fair! My noodles always come out salty." She stands up pouting.

••• (time skip bc y'all took so long to eat hsughaufh) •••

I look outside my window. It started to rain again. I wonder what she's do-

All of a sudden I hear a small knock on my door, "K-Kageyama?"

I quickly open the door.

"Y/N? What's wrong? Do you need anything else?"

She looks at me as if she wants to tell me something. With a sigh, she says, "Nothing, nevermind. I-I just wanted to say goodnight. So, goodnight."

"Oh... right. Goodnight then?"

She nods and walks away. I stay there motionless, processing what just happened.

She definitely wanted to tell me something

I sigh and close the door, slowly. Feeling a sudden push on the door I look back.

"A-Actually, I wanted to ask you..."

"What is it?"

Looking away Y/N whispers, "This might sound weird...but can I sleep with you?"


Hey y'all 😃 This one was a bit shorter (lol sorry) I just wanted to let y'all know that imma be writing a Kenma x Reader ff soon🙈
ngl idk how i'm gonna start because i have so many ideas lmaooo but i'll figure it out🤩
alr thanks for reading!!!


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OHHHH also let me know if you see any grammar mistakes lol 

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