Time to Talk

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We're still in the nurse's room, sitting down on some chairs and I finally told Kageyama everything. Everything. From the beginning to the end, and I don't think I left any details behind. Anyways, after a good 10 minutes of me explaining what had happened to me while I was away plus why I had to stop talking to him, Kageyama just sat there looking emotionless.

I didn't know whether he was mad or disappointed or disgusted. 

"K-Kageyama... it would be really lovely if you were to say something... like, anything. Don't just sit there and stare at me."

"I-I'm sorry it's just that-"

"You're disappointed, right?"

"What? Of course, I'm not. I just, don't know what to say? To be honest, I don't really understand ... but I'll do whatever I can to support you. Oh and we have to go and talk to Hinata, so he can leave you alone. That brat better not have touched you or else I'm gonna-"

"No, no, no, h-he didn't do anything to me, I promise. He was actually really sweet and took me out on dates every week..." I look up to see a pouting Kageyama.

I start laughing, "W-Wait, ahhaha are you- are you jealous?"

Kageyama starts blushing, "D-Dumbass, I am obviously jealous because you two spent so much time together..."

"Hmmm, then... what would do you think of us going to a date?"

His eyes LITERALLY shine and started nodding frantically.

I feel a bit bold today and really happy that I'm back to talking to Kageyama, "Okay, so how about we go out... right now?"

Kageyama's POV

"...how about we go out right now?"

I am super excited to go on a date with Y/N! Words can't even describe how I'm feeling right now. She really does have the guts to ask me out first. I should have asked first but she beat me to it. I will obviously accept her offer.

I clear my throat, "Sure... whatever. I'm not, like excited or anything" I turn away feeling a bit hot from my face. My phone starts buzzing, and I annoyingly answer the call from Hano-san.

"Great... Hold up, let me just answer this useless call." I step outside the room.

"What?" I answer

"Tsk, why do you always answer with a 'what' or 'what do you want?' at least say hello! Ugh, whatever nevermind that. Where are you? Stop making me wait and hurry up!" She quickly hangs up.

I roll my eyes and check the time on my phone which read 17:40 (5:40 pm). I completely forgot that I agreed to meet up with Hano-san to grab some pork curry and if I don't go she'll probably nag tomorrow in class. But I really want to be with Y/N... I sigh and go back to the nurse's room.

I go and sit next to Y/N, "So... a situation has come up and I don't think I can get myself out of this one..."

"A situation? What kind of situation? Y-You aren't in a gang, right?!"

"What the hell are you talking about? Tch, I just accepted an offer to get a certain food with someone that is particularly annoying, but if I don't go then, ugh thinking about it is giving me a headache. B-But!! I'll make it up to you, I promise. I'll take you out to a place where you haven't been to, yet!"

Y/N looks a bit disappointed, but looks and smiles at me, "That's fine! We can always go on another day. Oh, which reminds me. Our classes are going to work together for the school festival... so I was thinking..."


"I-I didn't even ask yet!"

I smirk. "I already know what you were gonna ask~ If we can go to my house and-" Next thing I knew I get punched in the stomach.

"You pervert, I was just going to ask if you wanted to be my partner to sell the food and stuff."

"Oh yeah, I-I knew that." I groan in pain. Damn, who knew a small person can be so strong?


Well, I really wanted to hang out with Kageyama and it's not like I can force him to cancel those plans. The school festival is coming up, so that's the time that we can probably talk and hang out more.

Kageyama has already left to where ever he needed to go to and I'm strolling my way back to class. It's almost six, but mom won't come back until nine today.

"Y/N! I finally found you!"

I see Hinata running towards me.

"Oh hey. Sorry, I was running some errands for my class..."

"Hmm~ Okay then, I'll walk you to your house today! What time is your mom coming?"

I'm kind of tired today, maybe I should just say that my mom is coming early today and that he should go home and rest?

"That's okay, my mom is arriving early today, so I'll be fine." I put on a fake smile.

"Awww I wanted you to help me with some English homework that they gave today..." He pouts and gives me the puppy eyes.

"Ayyy, why don't you ask Yachi-chan to help you? She's very good with English too, plus you can keep her company while her mom comes back from work!" Maybe he'll go?

"Ehhhh, I guess you do have a point... I'll go look for her then! See you tomorrow, Y/N!" He waves goodbye and runs off to Yachi's class.

I'm so tired, once I get home I'll take a long fat nap.



I finally posted this lol

my dumbass forgot that there are different time zones ;-;

so for some of y'all, I posted this like day after I said I was going to post lmao

anyways, this one was a bit short :'( but I hope y'all liked it

this really motivates me to keep publishing 😃


have a good day/night :D

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