Final Breakdown

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A/N: OKAY SO LIKE, FOR SOME REASON THIS CHAPTER WAS DELETED?? Idek how this happened so imma just rewrite it :'(
anyways, happy reading!

Kageyama's POV
I'm still grabbing onto Y/N's wrist, tightly, making sure that Hinata doesn't pull her away from me. Like, why can't he just give up? Better question: WHY IS HE MAKING A BIG DEAL OUT OF THIS?! I JUST WANTED TO TALK TO HER! Well, that's not the point right now. I look at Y/N, who is also looking at me, but her eyes were just full of fear and her whole hand was shaking.

Daichi-san finally steps in, "Alright boys, let go of Y/N before you hurt her."

Hinata and I stop pulling, but still held her hand until we both finally sighed and let go of her hand. Without thinking, I pushed
Y/N to where Hinata was standing. That was unintentional, or was it out of jealousy? Next thing I knew, Hinata grabbed Y/N's hand and started to walk towards the exit. I have to say something, anything. I can't lose her again.


He stops walking, but didn't turn around to look at me. Y/N did the same thing but was looking down at the floor. If he takes her with her, I know that this will affect how we play, we won't have that spark anymore. Is he willing to give up on our friendship just because of Y/N? Damn, and Y/N, she's probably scared and clueless as to what's going on. I should have thought this through, I don't even know what I'm going to say.

I walk to stand next to Hinata on his right and look at him, but he refuses to look at me, so he's still looking forward. I know he can still see me through his peripheral vision.

"I-If you step out that door... I'll never forgive you."

He flinches, showing hesitation but then proceeds to walk out the door. I just stood there, processing what just happened. Should I go after them? But what do I even say? I start having a back to back argument with myself, building up more and more anger. Next thing I knew, I started to push things off the table, throwing chairs everywhere.... I'm such a child. After realising what I have done, I dropped down on my knees, putting my hands on my thighs and shutting my eyes close.

I'm such a fool, I shouldn't have even pushed Y/N to Hinata. Out of all the things I could have possibly done, I chose to push her?! Once again, I lost her, if they wouldn't have met, things would be different. No, what am I even saying? They would have met either ways. I finally realise how I feel about Y/N, if I could have only talked to her and said I don't care that Hinata confessed to you first, but I just wanted to say, I like you...

If only I could have talked to her...

I see, from the corner of my eye, Yachi slowly approach me, "K-Kageyama, it's okay um, calm down yeah? You made a bit of mess here and there..."
I feel something wet drip on my hands, realising I'm crying, I managed to mumble out a "...sorry"
I hear Suga's voice, "What did you say? You kind of mumbled-"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!"
At this point, my sorry's were all slurred and I started to sob. I had finally broken down.

A few minutes pass and I had finally calmed down a bit, thanks to Yachi, of course, she handed me some water and tried to comfort me.

"You want more water? Hinata and Y/N sure are taking a while to come back... Should I go and look for them?"

"No... I think they'll be here soon."

I need to get out of here before they actually get here.

"I'm a bit tired... so I'll be on my way. Happy birthday Suga and sorry that I ruined... uhh... well-"  I bow down. I feel so bad for causing a scene.

"Don't worry about it Kageyama! I'm just glad that everyone's okay, let's talk later 'kay?"

I nod and exit the gym, but to my surprise, I see Hinata and Y/N walking towards me. I stop walking and just stare at them walking towards me...holding hands.

As they walk past me to go inside the gym, Y/N and I make eye-contact for a split second. And for that split second, her eyes seemed lifeless. Almost as if someone sucked the life out of her.

What happened?

Finally done 😪  lol

i was thinking to make it a bit more depressing but nahhhhh

Let me know if u see any spelling errors!

have a good day/night ! 😃✨

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