What is This Feeling Called?

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This is so embarrassing, I can't open my eyes now! Even though I am totally faking that I'm unconscious, what if he calls my mom? Or takes me to the hospital? I didn't think this far ahead. But this should be a bit funny since I have never seen him so worried, especially worried about me! That selfish brat is always thinking about volleyball or himself and never about others.  This is a very rare moment to experience haha! 

There is silence in the room that I'm in, does that mean that Kageyama left? I'm too scared to open my eyes... I hear some shuffling around me. Okay, he's definitely inside the room. Is he going to stay here for a long time? I just want to sleep!

"Dammit," I hear Kageyama mutter under his breath. 

Is something wrong?

Kageyama's POV 

I have no idea what to do, and the internet is not helping at all. What should I do? What can I do? Should I text Hinata since he lives near? Maybe he can help me decide on what to do...


After texting Hinata, he said that he's on his way over. Knowing that shrimp, he'll probably be here in about five minutes, especially since I mentioned Y/N, I bet he's using his bike right now. She is still unconscious, I think. Wait, is she even breathing? I can't tell since she's so still. I walk to the side of my bed and stare at Y/N's face. 

*doorbell rings*

 Oh, that must be Hinata. I jog downstairs to open the front door. "Hinata, thanks for coming over. Y/N is-" Before I could finish my sentence, Hinata takes off his shoes and runs towards the stairs. 

"Oi! I didn't even tell you where she is!" I yell out running after him. "I'll find her eventually!" He answered.



I hear a familiar voice. "Should we call an ambulance?" Hinata? Kageyama probably called him over. But an ambulance? I knew that there was a limit, I should 'wake up' now. 

"Nah, I don't want her mom to worry..." Kageyama calmly says while closing the door. Yes, please don't call the ambulance or my mom. 

"What did you do to Y/N? Why is she wearing a robe? Were you two about to do something?" Hinata's voice started to raise. "Oi, stop assuming stuff. And don't bring up such a weak argument just like your punches. Plus w-we weren't doing anything. I guess she was gonna take a bath, and I heard a thud so I just barged in to see what happened!" At this point, Kageyama started to raise his voice as well.


Okay, I don't want them to fight, or else I'm going to feel guilty for continuing on like this. "I'm awake, I'm awake, guys! Okay? No need to start arguing with each other!" Hinata and Kageyama look at me with a worried expression. Next thing I knew, I see Hinata run to the side of the bed and is hugging me. "I was so worried about you! Sorry that I left you alone with this dumbass, I knew that it was a bad idea to leave you here if only I could have been a bit more-" 

I laugh and hug him back too, "It's fine, Hinata. Plus, it was my fault that I fell in the bathroom." I look at Kageyama, who is looking down at the floor. "Kageyama-" I start.

"I-I'll leave you two alone... I need to finish making dinner anyway." Kageyama opens the door and starts walking out. "No, wait-" He closes the door behind him.'

Come back...

Kageyama's POV

After seeing Hinata and Y/N hugging, I felt like I was going to fall. For some weird reason, it pained me to see that. She was even smiling, when he hugged her. I get to the kitchen and pour myself a cup of water, to be honest, I'm not even in the mood to drink milk. And why did I even say that I need to finish making dinner? The table is already set and with food ready to eat. 

Why...why do I feel this way? What is this feeling called again?


Hinata finally let loose from the hug, "How do you feel, Y/N?" 

"Fine, I'm just a bit tired, that's all." I awkwardly said as I'm making sure my robe is still tied tightly. "Um, how about I quickly put on some clothes and I'll meet you downstairs with Kageyama?"

"Okay, but I need to tell you something..." By the looks of it, Hinata is about to tell me something serious. Did I do something wrong? Or maybe I said something? 

"I've been meaning to tell you this, but I just couldn't find the right time to tell you.."

"Okay, I'm all ears!" 

Hinata looks into my e/c eyes and quietly says, "I l-like you, Y/N..."

Like me? What am I supposed to say? I like him back? As a friend? I don't know what to say...

"Hinata, I-"

Cutting me off, "You don't have to say anything, I just had to get it off my chest... and I know you like Kageyama.."

"N-No I don't!"

He sits down on the bed and avoids eye contact, "Of course you do! You don't even have to say it, it's obvious that you like him since you always talk about him. And when you do... your eyes... they sparkle! And then when you're talking to him you smile like an idiot!" 

"I'm sorry, Hinata... I didn't know you feel this way." I had no idea, Hinata is always so nice to me, helping me with classes, telling me jokes, but I didn't even imagine this. 

"It's fine... I actually need to go home now since it's getting a bit late. I'll see you later though," Hinata starts heading towards the door.

"Oh okay, bye... Hinata..."

"Oh, and one more thing before I go..."

"Yes? What is it?"

"Just know that I won't give up on you..." He then leaves the room.

'Give up' on me? What does that even mean? The vibe totally just shifted in the room... Wait a minute... this isn't the guest room...

a/n: hey y'all, soooooo idk how to feel about this chapter lol 

anyways, in case you didn't know, I have a tiktok :D 

I post y/n stories (haikyuu-related) there too! Rn i'm working on a kenma one so you should go and check it out! 

(I also have a nishinoya one there too)

tiktok: tobio.kageyama.milk

okayyyyy have a good day/night! 

bye :D

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