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As I trail behind Hinata walking back to the gym, I see Kageyama standing right outside the gym door. Hinata squeezes my hand and whispers, "Remember what I told you." I nod and look down at the ground. When we start getting closer and closer to where Kageyama was standing, I quickly take a look at him one last time. Things are going to change, I wish this wasn't happening, but it's for the best.

Finally, we get inside the gym but for some reason, everyone's looking at us? Oh, that's right I'm still holding Hinata's hand. I quickly let go of his hand and feel myself blush.

"Ayeeee~ is something going on between you two~" Tanaka playfully punched Hinata on the shoulder.

"Haha, I guess you're right..."


I interrupted Tanaka, "No, yeah, w-we're a thing now..."

That just left everyone shook, did I say the right thing? I look over at Hinata and see a smirk across his face. I guess I did do the right thing. There is an awkward silence in the gym until Sugawara finally stepped in.

"Well, um, let's start cleaning up so that we can all go home and rest, yes? It's about to be 4 pm, come on everyone!"

Everyone groans but started to pack things up. I walk over to where Yachi-chan is and help her pick up the trash that's on the floor by the benches.

"Uhhhh so, Y/N?"


"I actually have a lot of questions, what did Hinata tell you when you two went outside? And why did Kageyama act like that?"

I look at her, mouth open but no words come out. I honestly don't know how to answer these questions...


"H-Hinata!! Let go of my hand, you're hurting me! Hey!!!"

His grip around my wrist gets stronger and we start to walk faster to who knows where!

"H-Hey! Where are we going?! You're hurting-"

I suddenly get pushed to the walk having both of my hands over my head. "Hinata...? Why are you-"


"What did you say?"

"I said, why do you have to like him?"

"Him? Do you mean Kageyama??"

He looks into my eyes like he's going to cry at any moment. "Yeah, why him? Why not me?"

"I-It's not that I don't like you..."

"So... you like me?"

"I-I don't dislike you..."

But the way he's acting right now is a bit...

"So we have a chance!? Please give me a chance!"

I don't see Hinata THAT way, I always thought of him as a close friend, someone that I could joke around and talk about random stuff. But, I mean, it wouldn't hurt me to give him a chance... I could think of it like a free trial? What the heck am I thinking?

"If you don't give me a chance..."

"Oh so you're threatening me now?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"If you don't give me a chance, I'll tell Kageyama about your cuts that you've been doing."

"They aren't recent! They're scars! A-And-"

"And what? You gonna tell him that because of him you started doing this? How do you think that's going to make him feel? Guilty? Is he going to pity you? Even if you did tell him, he'll probably push you away from him because what you did is-"


What the heck am I saying?

Hinata smirks, "Okay what?"

"I'll give you a chance, s-so don't tell him..."

I can't let Kageyama find out.

"Perfect. You're officially dating me. I'm going to add one condition to this little deal..."

Tch, he thinks this is a deal?

"No physical or social contact with Kageyama, so cut ties with him as soon as possible. And you go on dates with me two times a week."

Cut ties with him? But he's my beat friend... what am I supposed to do? Should I... just accept these conditions?

He lets go of my hands, that were still over my head by the way, "So? Do you accept?"

"F-Fine. No contacting him at all..."

I brightly smiles and hugs me. "I knew it!"

-End of Flashback-

"Ah, hehe well, he just asked me out and I... accepted. As for Kageyama... I have no idea."

Yachi slowly nodded and continued pickup the trash "I see..."

She's not buying it, I know that but what can I do?

"Gah! Look at the time! I need to head home before my mom gets home from work, I'm sorry I didn't finish help clean up!"


*later that night*

What a day, honestly...

*text message from Kageyama*

Oh my gosh, I forgot to block him... should I just read the text..?

Kag: Y/N... Please answer me, I need to tell you something...

Y/N: Do not contact me anymore. Sorry.

*Kageyama is now blocked*




Sooo... did any of that made sense? 💀

Let me know if you see any grammar mistakes!!!

Have a good day/night ✨💗

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