The Bracelet

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hiiiii lmao i'm lowkey getting a bit lazy writing this one but i'll try my best on this one hehehee 🙈🙈anywaysssss enjoy!!


"C-Can I sleep with you...?"

This is so embarrassing. I look up to see Kageyama's reaction, but there was none. It seemed as if he didn't even hear me!

"OH! I meant like sleep in your room here, i-it's because-" The sound of thunder inturrupts me, and I flinch a bit. I look up at Kageyama, he's smirking.

"Don't tell me you're scared of thunder~"

"I-I'm not! If you're making fun of me, I'm leaving!" I turn around mad at myself thinking: why did I think he was going to even let me in? I suddenly feel a strong pull on my arm. Next thing I knew, Kageyama was... hugging me???? What's going on...

"I was just kidding, you can stay here. I just forgot that you get scared at times like this."

"I didn't expect you to... It's been a long time after all." I can feel his muscles, I guess he really does train. Oh shoot, I'm still hugging him. I pull out from the hug and skip inside his room.

"You're room is a lot cleaner than I expected! Are you a neat freak?!"

"What? No! I just put things where they belong and clean like twice a week."

"So......... a neat freak!"

"Shut up."

I giggle and lay on his bed. So warm. I close my eyes and listen to rain knocking on the window.

"Y/N, don't open your eyes."

"Ehh? Why not?" I sit up, with my eyes still closed.

"Because..." There is a long pause.

I start opening my eyes, "Oh come on, you're not telling me why-" I look at the direction where Kageyama was talking and he was just standing there, shirtless.

"This is why..." He sighed.

I wonder how many hours he spent exercising to get a body like that...

I guess I was observing for too long, "Tsk, stop staring at my body like that, you pervert." Kageyama frantically started to put on a black hoodie that says "KARASUNO" across his chest. I cleared my throat, "I liked the view though~" I teased. He blushed so much it looked like he was gonna explode. This should be fun.

"S-Stop it or i'll kick you out of my room and you'll be alone."

"Okay okay~ i'll stop hehe"

"It's getting late, you can take the bed and I'll sleep on the floor." He starts opening his closet door grabbing some extra blankets.

"No... it's fine. You can sleep on the bed... with me..." What the hell am I even saying? I smile at the little argument I have with myself.

Kageyama's POV

"Are you sure about that? I-I mean what if I do something to you?"

"It's fine. I trust you!" She giggled. But for real though... this is going to be so awkward. We've had numerous sleepovers, but that was when were younger. Now we're in high school, so things... have changed.

"Ugh, fine." I groan and put back the blankets into my closet. I turn back around to see Y/N already under the covers. I quietly slip under the covers too facing my back towards her.

"Kageyama...?" She whispered.

I sigh, "What do you need?"

"Do you still have the bracelet?"

~Flashback~ (kageyama's POV)

"Ohayo, Kageyama-kun!" Y/N says as she gives me a hug from the back.

"Mornin' Y/N..." I grumbled. She doesn't need to remind me that I'm shorter than her.

"Looks like we're in the same class again~"

"Great, I get to listen to you talk about a stupid boy band all day." I rolled my eyes.

"Oi, (insert boy band here lol) isn't stupid! Their music is amazing!!"

I sigh in relief. She's been acting a bit weird all week but i'm glad today she's back to her normal self. At least that's what I thought so.

"Can I ask you one question?"

"You already did, dumbass, but go ahead~"

She sighed and stops walking, "What would happen if I were to leave for a couple of months?"

"Well, if you think about it, you don't have any friends, your grades...ehhh. So I think everything would be pretty normal." I laugh and look at Y/N. She isn't laughing.

"But that's hypothetical...right...? Is that why you asked?"

"My mom... got a job offer in America. I couldn't find the right time to tell you, but I leave in a week."

"I-In a week?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" She flinched since I raised my voice. "Sorry, it's just-"

"No, it's fine. It's my bad that I didn't tell you sooner, but I really couldn't find the right time to tell you. I promise that I'll be back as soon as I can."

I nod.

"Here, I'll give you this bracelet." She carefully hands me a black bracelet that has a little star as a charm. "Oh thank you. I'll take care of it.."

"You better!"

~End of Flashback~

"Oh yeah, I do have it."

"Where? I haven't seen you wear it...I thought you might of lost it or something."

Is that what she was worried about?

"Boke, I play volleyball remember? I obviously can't wear it on my wrist, so I hang it on my backpack..."

"I see..."

There's a long pause before I break the silence.

"Y/N?" This is my chance, I can ask her about Hinata's confession!

She answered with a "Hm?"

"I'm gonna turn around to face you~ One... two... three!" I turn around to face her only to find her already asleep.

I sigh, "Goodnight..."

YAYYY i finally updated LOL

i'm having fun writing this story 🙈 

i have so many ideas but idk if i want it to be super long 🤭


bye :)

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