Karaoke Time

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I really don't want to be here. (LMAO SAME)

A few minutes ago, Hinata texting me saying that the volleyball team wanted to go to a karaoke place to hang out. I, of course, accepted immediately, knowing that Kageyama will be here.

But what the heck. I'm now sitting in the middle of Hinata and Yachi in a small karaoke room with everyone here EXCEPT Kageyama! No wonder Hinata spammed me to hurry up and walk over here. Honestly, I just want to get out of here.

I get my thoughts interrupted by Yachi poking my side, "Y/N? What are you thinking so deeply about? Come on, pick a song for me to sing!"

"Eh?! I-I don't really know...how about..."

All of a sudden I hear the door open loudly followed by a certain mom saying. "SURPRISE!!! Kageyama has voluntarily come here!" He looked proud until, "Voluntarily my ass. You basically dragged me he...here..."

We make eye contact. I've missed him so much, I had to see him from far away. Okay, that sounded creepy... but nevertheless, I just made sure that he was okay every now and then.

There is an awkward silence in the room.

"Awwww you guys, t-there's no need for all of us to be awkward...why does the room suddenly feel tense?" Suga pats Kageyama's back and leads him to a seat.

The seat directly from where I'm sitting.

"Oi, what are you doing here?!" Hinata points at Kageyama.

"Do you think I wanna be here, dumbass?"

Hinata grabs my hand and starts getting up.

"Hey hey hey, where do you think you're going, little one? How about you sing a song for us, yes? Don't worry, nobody's gonna steal Y/N away from you!" Suga says smiling while handing him the Bluetooth microphone.

Hinata let's go of my hand, looks at me then at Kageyama.

"O-Okay then, I'll just sing ONE song and we're heading out"

"Yes yes~ okay now go give it your best!"

Hinata starts walking to the front of the room and Suga turns around and winks at me. Wait a minute, is he...? Nah, he probably doesn't even know what happened...right?

Kageyama's POV

Sugawara-san. You are the best. Thank you. 

While I mentally thanked Suga, I look at Y/N, and sure enough, she's looking back at me as if she's wanting to say something but holding back. I've been wanting to talk to her, and now that I have the opportunity to do so, I don't even know what to say.

I finally manage to squeak out, "H-Hey, have you been good?"

She looks down and slowly nods. I sigh in relief. I look at Yachi, and she's just staring at Hinata since he's horribly singing right now...wait-

"H-How about you...?"


"Have you been good?"

"No. I haven't been good. I haven't seen your pretty face, your smile, your eyes. Just you in general. I've missed you..." 

Is what I wanted to say.

"Oh, me? Pfft, yeah same old, same old, ya know?"

"Oh, that's... good."

Should I tell her I miss talking to her? I mean, Yachi isn't even paying attention, so maybe I won't embarrass myself.

"Hey, so-"

I was soon interrupted by Hinata, "Y/N! How'd I do? I sang my heart out for you~"

"That was amazing, Hinata-kun!" She takes out her phone and starts texting someone. "I-I actually need to go now... Hinata, can you walk me home?"

"You already know I always do~ Let's go!"

Y/N stands up and bows to everyone, "Thank you for letting me have a good time, everybody. I-I'll see you next week!"

And so Hinata and Y/N left.

Suga jogs to where he left me, "Oi Kageyama, did you get to talk to her?"


When I was about to explain, Yachi interrupted me. Wow. That's happening a lot.

"Not even close, Suga. This brat chickened put and didn't say anything!"

"B-Brat?!? Who are you calling a-"

"You obviously!! Why did you tell her you're good? NO. YOU'RE. NOT. Why didn't you tell her the truth?" She frantically started to wave her hands.

"You think I didn't want to tell her? I did! But I couldn't bring myself to tell her that! I just- I just couldn't find the right words to tell her..."


"Well, it's a start... At least you saw how she was."

"Yeah, she seems to be doing good."

"You- You really mean that?! You didn't see anything weird or if she acted differently? Something?"

"Well, of course she acted differently. We haven't talked in months..."

"Gosh Kageyama. You're smart on the court, but when it comes to this, you really are clueless"

"I second that!" Yachi raises her hand, followed by Yamaguchi, Nishinoya, and the rest of the team.

I just stood there in shock, "W-Wait...You all knew?! Why can't you guys talk Hinata out of this then!?"

"You know how stubborn Hinata is. Once he sets his mind to something, he must achieve his goal." Suga starts to eat the fries that are on the table.

I guess he's right. Hinata has always been like that, ever since I met him.

"We gave you a push, so you do the rest, okay? We believe in you!" Yachi gives me a 5 pieces of fries and smiles.



Ahhhh this story is coming to an end! 😃

At the same time, I'm excited but kinda sad😪

writing this story was so much fun for me. Though, most of the time was just me hurriedly writing because I had so many ideas and had to finish before I forgot 😂

thanks for those who stuck around and shared my story 😌💗

I plan to do a kenma x reader one soon ;)


have a good day/night

next update: (idk yet but i'll update in 2-4 days... not sure tho lol)

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